Municipal Reading and Writing Tables and Learning Communities of the Project Lectoescritura

Municipal Reading and Writing Tables and Learning Communities of the Project Lectoescritura, Educación y Nutrición Sostenible –LENS-Save the Children has implemented two initiatives that seek to improve literacy learning in safe learning environments. These actions are unique in the country. Currently, Municipal Literacy Tables (Mesas Municipales de Lecto Escritura -MML-) and Learning Communities (Comunidades de aprendizaje -CdA-) are only being implemented in the department of Quiché. These actions are led by Save the Children and involve members of the educational community in each municipality. They promote literacy learning and teacher training. These actions aim to contribute to the Ministry of Education´s efforts to improve the quality of education.Read more at: Municipal Reading and Writing Tables and Learning Communities of the Project Lectoescritura

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Municipal Reading and Writing Tables and Learning Communities of the Project Lectoescritura