G20: Recover together, recover stronger through education
Under the Indonesian Presidency, the G20 Education Working Group has developed a Report and Compendium which outlines how G20 countries and invited guests are developing responses and identifying priority areas to pave the way from education response to recovery.Both publications cover four priority areas as part of the education responses: Universal Quality Education; Digital Technology; Solidarity and Partnerships; and Future of Work.The notion of solidarity and partnerships at the core of its G20 Presidency education agenda, based on the Indonesian concept of mutual assistance, or gotong (work) royong (together).As part of its transformation agenda, the G20 group calls on countries to RESET by resisting and rectifying the widening disparities in academic achievement, health and well-being that were exposed and exacerbated by pandemic disruptions. RESET, or Recover together, Strengthen Education, and Transform for the Future, is a call to reach, retain and re-engage every learner in effective learning environments that build strong foundational skills, psychosocial well-being and pathways to success in school, work and the wider community.Please note that the content of the Report and Compendium is in the final phase of validation by the participating countries.
G20: Recover together, recover stronger through education
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