Boost Open Budget Portal
How budget data is recorded, made accessible, and analysed shapes both policy makers´ and citizens´ understanding of budget policy and impact. Yet, in much of the world, the quality of budget data remains a major constraint to good policy making, implementation, analysis, and evaluation. Launched in 2010, the BOOST program has active engagements in over 90 developing countries to address this gap and provide quality access to budget data. The initiative strives to make well-classified and highly disaggregated budget data available for Bank teams, policy makers and practitioners within government, researchers, and civil society and promote their effective use for improved budgetary decision making, analysis, transparency, and accountability. The appeal of the BOOST approach is that it provides user-friendly platforms where all expenditure data can be easily accessed and used by researchers, government officials and ordinary citizens to examine trends in allocations of public resources, analyse potential sources of inefficiencies, and become better informed about how governments finance the delivery of public services.Read more about Boost Open Budget Portal
Boost Open Budget Portal
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