Benchmarking for Progress: National SDG4 benchmarks, June 2022
UNESCO Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report and UNESCO Institute of Statistics
As technical co-leads of Functional Area 2 on data and monitoring for the High-Level Steering Committee feeding into the Summit, the GEM Report and UIS are continuing their work helping countries set SDG4 benchmarks for progress for seven indicators between now and 2030. At the pre-summit, a side-event discussed benchmarking for progress, featuring insights from countries on their experiences aligning their benchmarks with their education sector plans, and using them for reporting, filling data gaps and promoting dialogue with others.
The Pre-Summit provided a key moment for countries and key SDG 4 stakeholders to take stock of progress towards SDG 4. This side event co-hosted by the UIS and the GEM Report offered an opportunity to build momentum around the development of national benchmarks for measuring progress towards SDG 4 by reporting back on the progress made, the lessons learned and the ways forward for monitoring education systems and policies in 2022 and beyond, especially in view of the Transforming Education Summit convened to take place in September 2022. The event featured the voices of education policy makers and representatives from countries and regional organizations tasked with implementing, monitoring and reporting on the implementation of education policies and plans to achieve SDG 4. Speakers shared insights on the process of setting national benchmarks and their alignment with education sector plans, and the future use of benchmarks for reporting, filling data gaps, and promoting policy dialogue within countries and between countries.
Speakers: Dankert Vedeler, Chair of the Governing Board of the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Silvia Montoya, Director, UIS, Manos Antoninis, Director, GEM Report, MOE Representatives Egypt, Mexico, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka and Latvia.