Multilateral Education Platform

The Multilateral Education Platform (MEP) was established in July 2019 as a forum for principals of multilateral education partners to maintain structured and strategic dialogue and increase the effectiveness and efficiency of their work in advancing SDG4 at the country level. The intended focus was to improve inter-agency coordination and reducing duplication, agreeing joint actions and implementation approaches, and establishing a form of joint accountability. 

The MEP consists of a group of multilateral agencies and funds involved substantially in global education (namely UNESCO, UNICEF, UNFPA, UNHCR, WFP, ILO, UN Women, UNDP, World Bank, GPE, ECW, OECD), as well as other standing participants involved actively in the multilateral system (namely Office of the Special Envoy / Education Commission, European Commission). The MEP is currently convened and chaired by UNESCO and meets typically twice a year.