Peace and prosperity through water

The 2024 edition of the United Nations World Water Development Report highlights how developing and maintaining water security and equitable access to water services is essential to ensuring peace and prosperity for all

Equitable access to water resources, to safe and affordable water supply and sanitation services, and to the multiple benefits they generate are essential to building and maintaining prosperous and peaceful societies. Recent events, from global epidemics to armed conflicts, have emphasized that the socio-political conditions under which water is supplied, managed, and used can change rapidly.

Water management needs to consider the new economic and social realities, including climate change and geopolitical changes and their implications on our water resources. Leveraging water for prosperity and peace therefore requires actions beyond the water domain. 

Water equals abundance

Water nurtures prosperity by meeting basic human needs, supporting livelihoods and economic development, underpinning food and energy security, and defending environmental integrity:

  • Economic prosperity â€“ the capacity for an individual, company or society to improve its economic performance and/or standards of living, with particular focus on countries’ economic performance, including their overall productivity, in particular their water productivity, as well as income equality.
  • Social well-being – the sufficiency of water services for supporting the health and welfare of all individuals, including the provision of safe drinking water, food security and cultural integrity, among others.
  • Environmental integrity – the ability of the environment to maintain biophysical functions or services that support resilience and security under changing climate and social conditions.
In the intimate portrait, the camera draws close to a female farmer in the heart of Tegallalang. With a genuine and friendly smile that illuminates her face and adorned in a traditional Balinese hat, she becomes a living embodiment of the inner beauty found in the resilience and warmth of the Balinese people.
A female farmer in Tegallalang, Bali, Indonesia: her face reveals tales of hard work and a deep connection to the land. "Tegallalang Radiance" is a reminder of the extraordinary strength and warmth of the agricultural community in Tegallalang.

Major global events and disruptions magnify water risks…

The impacts of climate change, geopolitical unrest, pandemics, mass migration, hyperinflation and other crises can exacerbate water access inequalities.

…but also create opportunities for cooperation and transformation

These trends and events also create policy windows, which can be used to enhance resilience and forge adaptive capacity. Fostering prosperity through water contributes to the achievement of peaceful outcomes.

Cooperation, peace and social stability

Water can contribute to peace by motivating cooperation and diplomacy.

However, inequalities in the allocation of water resources, in access to water supply and sanitation services, and in the distribution of social, economic, and environmental benefits can be counterproductive to peace and social stability.

Disputes linked to water can occur when demand exceeds supply, when availability is compromised due to pollution, when access to (and allocation of) water may be uncertain, when water supply and sanitation services are disrupted, or when water management institutions are inadequate.

Typically, water is not the cause of war, but it has most often been a tool, a target, or a victim of warfare. This is the case when there are attacks targeting civilian water infrastructure, including treatment plants, distribution systems and dams. International humanitarian law explicitly includes protections for a wide range of civilian infrastructure, including water systems.

A little girl is drinking water from a pot next to an almost dry lake in Iraq.
A young girl drinks from a pot near a large silver gallon. Despite the challenges posed by water mismanagement, climate change, and geopolitical tensions, her innocence shines as a beacon of hope.

Facts and Figures

Developing and maintaining a secure and equitable water future underpins prosperity and peace for all. The relationship also works in the opposite direction, as poverty and inequality, social tensions, and conflict can amplify water insecurity.
2.2 billion
people had no access

to safely managed drinking water in 2022

About 80%
of jobs are water-dependent

in low-income countries where agriculture is the main source of livelihood

of freshwater withdrawals

are used by agriculture

US$832 billion
in economic losses

were caused by floods in 2002–2021

1.4 billion
people were affected

by droughts in 2002–2021

A 10%
increase in global migration

between 1970–2000 was linked to water deficits


Facts, figures and action examples

on the state of the world’s freshwater resources

Key messages

Water as an instrument of peace and a driver of prosperity
Food security, a key driver of peace and prosperity
Access to water and sanitation services
Water and environment
Water and energy
Water and industry
The role of transboundary cooperation

Contributing partners

UN-Water members that contributed to the UN World Water Development Report 2024

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