National Competent Authorities in States Parties

Italy Maru Convention 2001
Last update:3 October 2024

In conformity with Article 22 of the Convention, States Parties must establish or strengthen, as appropriate, competent authorities to undertake the establishment, conservation and updating of an inventory of underwater cultural heritage, and to ensure the efficient protection, preservation, presentation and management of underwater cultural heritage, as well as the necessary research and education. States Parties should inform the Director-General of the names and addresses of these competent authorities. 


  • Musée public national maritime et le patrimoine culturel subaquatique

    Ms Amel Mokrani



Bosnia and Herzegovina

Director: Lidija Mićić

Tel: (+387) 033 254 131

Fax: (+387) 033 254 181

e-mail(link sends e-mail) 

Address: Vuka Karadžića 4 / VI 78000 Banja Luka Republic of Serbian Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tel: (+387) 051 247 419

Fax: (+387) 051 247 545

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  • Mme Gislaine DEVILLERS

1ère Attachée,

Agence wallonne du patrimoine

e-mail(link sends e-mail)   

  • Dr. Marnix PIETERS

Research Director Archaeology

Flanders Heritage Agency

Havenlaan 88 bus 5, B-1000 Brussels

Tel. :+(32) 2 553 16 72

M : +(32) 477 56 02 88

skype : sends e-mail)

e-mail(link sends e-mail)  

  • Ms Kim Meeus

Advisor North Sea

Cabinet Vincent Van Quickenborne

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, in charge of the North Sea

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  • National Heritage Board

    Ms Maili Roio

    Adviser on underwater archaeology

    Pikk 2, 1023 Tallinn




  • Département des Recherches Archéologiques Subaquatiques and Sous-Marines (DRASSM)

Ministry of Culture

Director: Arnaud SCHAUMASSE

147, Plage de l'Estaque. 13016. Marseille

Tel: (+33) 04 91 14 28 00

Fax: (+33) 04 91 14 28 14

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Director e-mail(link sends e-mail)




  • Honduran Institute of Anthropology and History (IHAH)

e-mail(link sends e-mail)

Director: Lawer Hector Manrique Portillo Machuca

Director e-mail(link sends e-mail)

Head of the Archaeology Unit of the Honduran Institute of Anthropology and History (IHAH)

M. Oscar  Neil Cruz

e-mail(link sends e-mail)


  • Dr. Mosayeb Amiri

Director, Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism of the

Islamic Republic of Iran

Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism (RICHT)

N° 2, opposite National Museum of Iran, Si-Tir St., Imam Khomeini

St., Tehran, 1136913431

e-mail(link sends e-mail)  ; e-mail(link sends e-mail)

Tel.: Director’s Office: +982166737003

Tel.: Institute: +982166736452


  • General Secretariat - Service II - UNESCO Office

Director: Mrs. Mariassunta Peci

Officer in charge: Mr. Alessandro Asta

Responsibilities: coordination of activities at European and international level,

and coordination of relations with UNESCO in the implementation of the 2001 Convention

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  • National Superintendence of Underwater Cultural Heritage

Superintendent: Mrs. Barbara Davidde

Responsibilities: Direction and coordination of national protection activities,

management and promotion of the underwater cultural heritage

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  • National Council for Scientific Research

Mr. Iskandar Sursock

Scientific Advisor

e-mail(link sends e-mail)

Tel: + 961 330 9932


  • Department of Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture,

Šnipiškių str. 3, 09309 Vilnius, Lithuania

Tel. (+370 5) 273 42 56

Fax. (+370 5) 272 40 58

e-mail(link sends e-mail)

Ms. Augustina KurilienÄ—

Chief specialist of the Accounting, Inventory and Register Department



Tel. : +370 5 273 11 01 


  • Secretaría de Cultura

          Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH)

          Subdirección de Arqueología Subaquática CNA -INAH

Websites : 

Moneda16, Col. Centro, Alcaldía Cuauhtémoc, C. P. 06060,

Ciudad de ²Ñé³æ¾±³¦´Ç,


Tel: (+52) 555522-7364 y (+52) 555522-7888

e-mail(link sends e-mail)

Helena Barba Meinecke's email(link sends e-mail)



  • Montenegro Communications should be addressed to the National Commission for UNESCO



  • Centre National d'Etudes et de Recherches en Archéologie Subaquatique

Mr Azzeddine KARRA

Tel : +212 661 859 615

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  • Federal Ministry of Tourism, Culture and National Orientation

Deputy Director (Culture): Mr Augustus Babajide Ajibola

Federal Secretariat Complex, Phase II, Block E Room 231,



Tel: +234 (0) 803 301 8985

e-mail(link sends e-mail)


  • Underwater Heritage Department

Ministry of Heritage and Tourism

Director : Mr. Ayoub AL Bousaidi

e-mail(link sends e-mail)

Tel: 0096899048421


  • Instituto Nacional de Cultura (INAC)

M. Roxana Pino

B.P. 0816-07812 Panamá 5,

República de Panamá

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  • Dirección General de Protección y Conservación de los Recursos Hídricos Secretaría del Ambiente

Avda. Madame Lynch

3500 Asunción


Tel: (+595) 21 61 58 11 

Fax: (595) 21 61 58 11  



  • Monuments Preservation Department. Ministry of Culture, National Heritage and Sport of the Republic of Poland

Mrs Agnieszka Szymczyk

Tel: +48 22 21 21 102

ul. Ksawerów 13

02-656 Warsaw

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Saint Kitts and Nevis

  • Maritime Affairs

Mr. Marc Williams : Director of Maritime Affairs

C.A. Paul Southwell Industrial Site 


St. Kitts

Tel: 1-869-467-1903

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Saudi Arabia

  • Director General of Archaeological Research and Studies Center

Mr. Abdullah Saud Al-Saud

Tel: +966114096637

Mobile: +96650525618

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  • Ministry of Culture

Cultural Heritage Directorate

Maistrova ulica 10

1000 Ljubljana


Tel.: +386 1 400 79 00

e-mail(link sends e-mail)   


South Africa

  • South African Heritage Resources Agency

Ms Lesa La Grange

111 Harrington Street

Cap Town


Tel: (021) 462 4502

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  • María Agúndez Lería

Deputy Director General

Subdirectorate General of Management and Coordination of Cultural Assets

General Directorate of Fine Arts

Ministry of Culture and Sport

e-mail (link sends e-mail)

Tel.: + (34) 91 70 17 054



  • Federal Office of Culture

Section Baukultur

Hallwylstr. 15

3003 Bern

Tel.  +41 58 462 86 25

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The central executive authority in the sphere of the protection of the cultural heritage.