Committees and Organs

Last update:20 April 2023

The General Conference of UNESCO is required, at each of its sessions, to elect Member States to be members of the Executive Board or of the Commissions and other subsidiary organs of the Conference, in accordance with their rules of procedure or respective statutes.

The Executive Board, elected by the General Conference, is one of the three constitutional organs of UNESCO with the role to examine the programme of work for the Organization and corresponding budget estimates for each biennium, ensuring the effective and rational execution of the programme by the Director-General.

The General Conference also elects intergovernmental Committees and Councils which are associated with UNESCO鈥檚 major programmes. These organs allow Member States to actively participate in these programmes, ensure the visibility of the Organization and testify of its vitality.

Election results and Membership

Election results during the 41st session of the General Conference in November 2021:

Working with UNESCO: guidebook for members of UNESCO鈥檚 international and intergovernmental bodies
Executive Board
Executive Board - Room X
General Conference

General Conference

vUNESCO鈥檚 Communication and Information Sector side-events - 41st General Conference