Tara River Basin

General information
Situated in the southeastern part of the Dinaric Alps, the Tara River Basin comprises carbonate plateaus, canyons and the deepest gorges in Europe. The Tara canyon is 80 km long and reaches 13,000 meters at its deepest point. In the biosphere reserve, the altitude ranges from 433 to 2,522 meters above sea level, thus it harbors a rich habitat and species diversity. Habitats include alpine forests, alpine rivers and lakes, alpine and subalpine heath, transition mires, bogs and screes. The biosphere reserve includes Durmitor National Park, which was designated as World Heritage site in 1980.
Detailed information
Key data
Year of nomination
Total population
182,889.00 ha
Total terresterial area
182,889.00 ha
Latitiude: 42.9882 - Longitude: 19.419
Ecological Characteristics
Natural eutrophic lakes with Magnopotamion vegetation; alpine rivers; alpine and sub-alpine heathland; sub-Arctic willow scrub (Salicetum appendiculatae montenegr.); alpine calcareous grasslands with Oxytropis dinarica; mires and bogs; pioneer vegetation of rock surfaces; alpine forests with Pinus heldreichii and Pinetea; residual alluvial forests (Alnion glutinoso-incanae); Mediterranean pine forests with endemic black pine (Pinus nigra ssp. illyrica); beech forests; agroecosystems.
Socio-Economics Characteristics
About 23,800 people live within the biosphere reserve (1991) who are mostly engaged in agriculture, cattle breeding and grazing. The area is also of cultural interest since it hosts numerous churches, monasteries and memorials.