Strategy and roadmap

The MAB Strategy and roadmap provide a comprehensive yet succinct framework to achieve its mission and contribute to the global Sustainable Development Goals.
Last update:7 June 2024

Current MAB Strategy and action plan 2015-2025

To  understand  and address  the  key challenges  facing  our  world â€“  poverty,  climate change,  water  and food  security,  loss of  biological  and cultural  diversity,  rapid urbanization  and  desertification  – the  Man and the Biosphere Programme, through  its  World  Network of Biosphere Reserves (WNBR) and its regional and thematic networks, is strategically addressing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through sustainable development actions in biosphere reserves, carried out in partnership with all sectors of society, to ensure the well-being  of people  and  their environment.

In 2015, the Members States adopted 4 strategic objectives for the MAB Programme. An action plan to achieve these objectives was adopted a year later.


biodiversity, restore and enhance ecosystem services, and foster the sustainable use of natural resources


sustainable, healthy and equitable economies, societies and thriving human settlements in harmony with the biosphere


biodiversity and sustainability science, education for sustainable development (ESD) and capacity building


people to mitigate and adapt to climate change and other aspects of global environmental change

The Strategy and roadmap of the MAB Programme is comprised of three documents:

  • the MAB Strategy 2015-2025;
  • the Lima Declaration (2016) on the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme and its World Network of Biosphere Reserves (WNBR), which was subscribed by UNESCO Member States, biosphere reserves, and co-operating public and private sector institutions, as well as civil society organizations. It expresses their political commitment with the Programme and lays out the principles of the Lima Action Plan;
  • the Lima Action Plan for UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme and its World Network of Biosphere Reserves (2016-2025), which contains a comprehensive set of actions aimed at ensuring the effective implementation of the MAB Strategy 2015-2025.
A New roadmap for the Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme and its World Network of Biosphere Reserves
UNESCO. Director-General, 2009-2017 (Bokova, I.G.)

Preparation for the 2025-2035 Strategy

In 2025, the upcoming 5th World Congress of Biosphere Reserves will develop the new 2025-2035 MAB Strategy in Hangzhou, China. The new roadmap will re-visit the role and the scope of MAB Programme in the context of the conclusion of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This roadmap will be accompanied by an action plan, guiding the programme’s implementation.