General information
The Roztocze Transboundary Biosphere Reserve is located in the Roztocze region in Poland and Ukraine which is a natural and cultural borderland located near the European Union border. It is also located in the immediate vicinity of Lviv (Ukraine) and Zamosc (Poland), cities that are inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Roztocze is a region with potential for dynamic development because of its scenic location and great natural and cultural heritage. The Ukrainian part, called Roztochya, was designated a biosphere reserve in 2011.
Detailed information
Key data
Year of nomination
Total population
297,014.00 ha
Total terresterial area
297,014.00 ha
Latitiude: 50.5014 - Longitude: 23.1377
Ecological Characteristics
The varied relief and complex geological structure are reflected in the tremendous diversity of animated nature. The area of the Biosphere Reserve is not homogeneous. Loess areas are located in the west and are characterised by the highest density of ravines per 1 km2 in Poland. Tomaszów Roztocze (Roztocze Tomaszowskie) features limestone hills cut by river valleys in the southern marginal zone, forming deeply cut valleys with topographic thresholds. Rava Roztocze (Roztocze Rawskie) is an area of wooded hills, mineral waters and a large number of sunny days. Roztocze is an important ecological corridor of European importance – a narrow land connecting the Polish Highlands with Podolia, enabling the movement of plants and animals. As a result of this and the location at the Carpathian arc, plant species of three geographical areas occur in this region. The region is an important natural boundary. The north-eastern limit of the geographical range of beech, fir, spruce and sycamore runs through the region. Heterogeneous forests are the main resources of the region, including in particular the Carpathian beech forest and fir forest.Mammals of Roztocze are represented by 66 species, including 3 extinct (1 confirmed, 2 unconfirmed) and 4 alien invasive, introduced species. The most interesting mammals are bats: barbastelle, greater mouse-eared bat, Bechstein’s bat, Alcathoe bat as well as fat dormouse, forest dormouse, lynx and wolf. The most important refugia of mammals in Roztocze are natural forests located mainly in protected areas.The avifauna of the region include the following species of high nature conservation value: ferruginous duck, black stork, honey buzzard, lesser spotted eagle, Ural owl, boreal owl, grey-headed woodpecker, middle spotted woodpecker, white-backed woodpecker, common firecrest, red-breasted flycatcher, collared flycatcher, barred warbler, red-backed shrike.
Socio-Economics Characteristics
The areais inhabited by people for whom agriculture, forestry or tourism is the main source of subsistence. It has a long tradition of using the natural resources, including forests and hence, the local people know that their quality of life is among the things that depend on the condition ofnature.Tourist and recreational qualities of Roztocze –the diversity of natural environment, its values as a holiday and health resort, sightseeing qualities and abundance of beautiful landscapes - have resulted in the early development of activities related to tourism and recreation. In recent years, the development of tourism in Roztocze has been growing (the biosphere reserve is visited by ca. 600,000 people every year).