General information
Pilón - Lajas Biosphere Reserve is located on the far eastern spur of the Andes. It comprises mixed mountain and highland systems, low hills and Amazonian plains, covered with tropical humid forests, sub-tropical and tropical forest, forests in ancient alluvial terraces, and mountain and valley forests.
Detailed information
Key data
Year of nomination
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
Total population
403,201.00 ha
Total terresterial area
403,201.00 ha
Latitiude: -15 - Longitude: -67.3333
Ecological Characteristics
The variety of ecosystems, geomorphology and types of vegetation make Pilon Lajas home to a variety of species. Some 70 mammal species have been reported including tapir (Tapirus terrestris), ring-tailed coati (Nasua nasua), spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus), and jaguar (Panthera onca), and 338 species of birds (from the genus Ara, Aratinga, Pyrrhura, Brotegris).Recent studies have reported a great floristic diversity in the region.
Socio-Economics Characteristics
Over 160,000 inhabitants live in the ±Ê¾±±ôó²Ô-³¢²¹Âá²¹²õ region of which 12,000 are Mosetenes, Tacanas and Chimane indigenous people groups who live in settlements inside the Biosphere Reserve, near the rivers and in colonization areas. Mixed populations work in agriculture (rice monoculture), mining, cattle grazing and timber and mostly live in urban centres. Forest timber and unproductive agricultural systems give poor returns and the land is often turned into pasture, a process which threatens sustainable cultures and practices of the indigenous people. The main management goals are to guarantee territorial rights to indigenous people (Chimane and Mosetén) and promote their participation in the decision making processes in order to implement sustainable practices of natural resources.