
General information
The youngest and only volcanically active island in the south of the Cabo Verde archipelago, Fogo Biosphere Reserve culminates at an altitude of 2,829 metres. It is home to various indigenous species, such as birds and reptiles, including the rare endemic López-Jurado's Half-toed Gecko (Hemidactylus lopezjurado), Vaillant’s Mabuya (Chioninia vaillantii xanthotis) and marine turtles (Green turtle and Olive Ridley).
Detailed information
Key data
Year of nomination
Cabo Verde
Total population
102,142.00 ha
Total terresterial area
47,074.00 ha
Total Marine area
55,068.00 ha
Latitiude: 14.9406 - Longitude: -24.3849
Ecological Characteristics
TheFogoBiosphere Reserveis locatedto the west of Senegal in theWestern Atlantic Ocean. The biosphere reserve is a part of the Cabo Verde archipelago, and consists oftheFogoIsland and marine space surrounding it.The region is home a plethora of native vegetation includingthe endemiccowtongue(Echiumvulcanorum), a flowering plant with medicinal and dietary purposes.The biosphere reserve is home for many speciesofterrestrialcreatures including the rareLópez-Jurado's Half-toedGecko(Hemidactyluslopezjuradoi).Soaring above the coastal systems is the Fea'spetrel (Pterodromafeae). Diving into the marine ecosystemsare the short beaked commondolphin (Delphinusdelphis), loggerheadturtle (Acanthocybium solandri), and Mackerelscad (Decapterusmacarellus).The island is the youngest and only volcanically active island in the Cabo Verdeachipelago.
Socio-Economics Characteristics
TheFogoBiosphere reserve is home to61 communities withabout 48,700 inhabitants.The volcanic rock creates a fertile soil that is perfect for cultivating theartisinalCha wine.The rich marine ecosystems provide the inhabitants with bountiful fisheries.TheFeasts of theBandeiras, also known as the Feasts of the Popular Saints is popular festival celebratingvarious saints with an emphasis on St. Philip, St. Sebastian, St. Paul, St. Peter and St. John the Baptist (Banderona). These celebrations are characterized by their mast-laying ceremony, as well as the dance of “canizade”an expression of the African origins of the inhabitants.