Darién Norte Chocoano
General information
Encompassing a sprawling mosaic of ecosystems ranging from lush tropical rainforests to marine areas along the Gulf of Urabá, it covers a vast territory spanning 3 016 km², almost 40% of which consists in marine areas.
The archeological park and museum are a tourist destination. They tell the story of how the region came to host one of the first Spanish settlements on the American continent, the town of Santa MarÃa La Antigua del Darién, founded in the early 16th century.
Detailed information
Key data
Year of nomination
Total population
301,626.00 ha
Total terresterial area
185,372.00 ha
Total Marine area
116,254.00 ha
Latitiude: 8.3797222 - Longitude: -77.18
Ecological Characteristics
Amidst the vibrant Darien ecoregion, within the Biogeographic Chocó, lies a biodiversity bridge connecting the fauna and flora of North and South America, with emblematic species like the majestic harpy eagle (Harpia harpyja) and the colourful poison dart frogs. It also includes a portion of the Gulf of Urabá, considered a marine biodiversity hotspot. The area encompasses a vast mosaic of ecosystems, including tropical rainforest biomes and marine and coastal ecosystems.
Socio-Economics Characteristics
The biosphere reserve has a diverse population of 24 287, predominantly composed of Indigenous Peoples and Afro-Colombian origins. The local communities were actively involved in submitting the proposal for designation to UNESCO, particularly young people and women. The management plans for the protected areas within the new biosphere reserve include adopting sustainable farming, enhancing the marketing chain for agricultural products and advancing the Community Ecotourism Plan.