General information
Located in the most elevated part of the Central Kazakh Uplands, Burabay is best known for its many lakes: 14 of these lakes cover a combined surface area of more than 100 km2 and there are numerous smaller lakes. It is highly representative of the biodiversity of the forest-steppe Eurasian ecotone. Besides agriculture and mining, the area has been a popular tourist destination since the creation in 2005 of the Shchuchinsk-Borovoye Resort Zone, thanks to its proximity to densely populated regions, in Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation, and good air, rail and road connections to them.
Detailed information
Key data
Year of nomination
Total population
136,019.00 ha
Total terresterial area
129,299.00 ha
Total Marine area
6,720.00 ha
Latitiude: 52.8333 - Longitude: 70.6667
Ecological Characteristics
The vegetation of the biosphere reserve territory is represented by six main types: forest, shrub, steppe, meadow, marsh and salt marsh. A significant area is occupied by pine forests (Pinus sylvestris), as well as birch-pine and pine-birch (Betula pendula, B.pubescens).The fauna of vertebrates includes 277 species belonging to 25 orders, including 15 species and subspecies of fish, 1 species of amphibians, 5 species of reptiles, 209 species of birds and 47 species of mammals (about 36% of the total vertebrate fauna of Kazakhstan).脗脗
Socio-Economics Characteristics
As of January 1, 2019, the population of Burabay district was 75,363 people, of which 46,481 people were urban population, 28,624 people were rural population. Burabay district is a major supplier of agricultural products. On the territory of the district center - Shchuchinsk- there is a large railway junction, enterprises of industry, transport, services, a complex of cultural, educational and healthcare institutions. The Shchuchinsk-Borovoe resort area is located on the territory of the district, which determines the further development of the economy. Therefore, the most significant industries are the agricultural sector and the tourism business.脗