General information
Regional network:Â ArabMAB Ecosystem-based network:Â Â Â
Detailed information
Key data
Year of nomination
Latitiude: 14.6752 - Longitude: 43.5482
Ecological Characteristics
Mountains and severe to medium slopes. Maximum slope is more than 70% in some areas, especially in north and northeast areas as welle as western side. Rock ratio range between 50 to 90. There are bare and semi bare rocks.Highest elevation above sea level: 2200 metres (in the northeast boundary of the areas near Azzan Mountain)Lowest elevation above sea level: 200 metres (Southwest side near Wadi Alaswad) For coastal/marine areas, maximum depth below mean sea level.Back to Biosphere Reserves in YemenBack to Biosphere Reserves in the Arab StatesBack to World Network of Biosphere ReservesLast updated: October 2018
Socio-Economics Characteristics