IHP-IX Strategic Plan

The ninth phase of the Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme (IHP-IX) covering 2022-2029 identifies key water priority areas to support Members States to achieve the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It represents a methodological response towards transdisciplinarity aimed to generate solutions.

The  ninth  phase  of  the  Intergovernmental  Hydrological  Programme  (IHP-IX)  covering 2022-2029 identifies key water priority areas to support Members States to achieve the 2030 Agenda  and  the  Sustainable  Development  Goals  (SDGs). It represents a methodological response towards transdisciplinarity aimed to generate solutions.

Strategic plan

The strategic plan "Science for a Water Secure World in a Changing Environment" guides its implementation. Its priority areas, identified and elaborated by UNESCO's Member States, are presented as five transformative tools.


Priority areas

Sample of waste water from industry

Challenges and opportunities