Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme National Committees

National Committees form the backbone of the Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme (IHP) and are fundamental to ensuring the widest possible participation of Member States in the international programme.
Last update:30 January 2025

These Committees are constituted and run under the authority of national governments and play a critical role in the implementation of the IHP.

The composition of a National Committee may differ from country to country, depending on the national capabilities and the existing institutional structure for hydrological studies and water resources management. The IHP Council recommends that IHP National Committees should be constituted to:

  • Be multi-stakeholder in membership, so as to include both scientists and water managers, as well as relevant government bodies, professional associations and civil society (NGOs and the private sector);
  • Work closely with the UNESCO Regional Hydrologist and with the Vice-Chair of the IHP Council from the region, to ensure close and frequent communication and exchange of experience with other National Committees of the region and with the international programme;
  • Establish and maintain strong links with the UNESCO National Commission of the country, so as to participate more fully in UNESCO affairs as well as to contribute to international discussion and decision-making for UNESCO in which the National Commissions play an important and growing role.

There are at present 168 IHP National Committees and focal points among UNESCO’s 195 Member States.

Western Europe and North America

Mr Werner Piller
University of Graz, Institute for Earth Sciences (Geology and Palaeontology) Austrian National Committee of Geology
Heinrichstrasse 26
A-8010 Graz, Austria
+43 (316) 380 5582

Mr Helmut Habersack 
Univ. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.
Muthgasse 107, 1190 Vienna, Austria
+43 1 3189900-101


Prof Marnik Vanclooster
Chair, IHP National Committee of Belgium
Earth and Life Institute - Environmental Sciences
Université catholique de Louvain Croix du Sud, 2 - L7.05.02
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
+32 (0) 10 47 37 10

With copy to:
Délégation permanente de la Belgique auprès de l’UNESCO


CNC - IHP Secretariat
Ram Yerubandi, Ph.D
Manager, Water Science and Technology Environment and Climate Change Canada CCIW, 867 Lakeshore Road
Burlington, ON, Canada, L7S 4A1
+1 905-3364785 | +1 289-9830127

With copy to:
Ms Eleanor Haine-Bennett Canadian Commission for UNESCO


Ms Marilena Panaretou
Secretary, National Committee for IHP
Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment Water Development Department 1412 Nicosia, Cyprus
+357 2 245 1277 | +357 2 245 1402


Mr Dan Rosbjerg
IHP National Committee of Denmark
Technical University of Denmark Bygningstorvet, Building 115
DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
+45 45 25 14 49 | +45 45 25 16 00 |


Mr Turo Hjerppe Senior Specialist
Ministry of the Environment
Department of the Natural Environment/Waters and Marine Areas
Aleksanterinkatu 7, P.O.Box 35
FI-00023 Government
+358 295 250 204

With copy to:
Permanent Delegation of Finland to UNESCO


Mr Eric Servat
Chairperson, IHP National Committee for France
Director, International Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Water System Dynamics (ICIREWARD),
Category 2 Centre under the auspices of UNESCO
Université de Montpellier
Faculté de pharmacie, Hydropolis Bât K
15 Av. Charles Flahault - CC800
34090 Montpellier
Tel : +33 (0)4 49 33 83 25


Mr Harald Koethe
International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change (ICWRGC)
Category 2 Centre under the auspices of UNESCO
Bahnhofstraße 40
56068 Koblenz
+49 261 1306 0


Mr Margaritis Marios Vafeiadis
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Aristotle University
54124 Thessaloniki, Greece
+30 2310 995685


Icelandic Hydrological Committee
Dr Árni Snorrason (Chair) | Dr Jórunn Hardardóttir (Executive Secretary)
Icelandic Meteorological Office
Bústadavegi 9
IS-150 Reykjavik, Iceland
+354 5226101 | +354 8628323 | +354 8934222 |+354 5226001


Mr Oliver Nicholson
Secretary of the Joint Irish National Committees of the IHP/ICID The Office of Public Works Jonathan Swift Street Trim, Co. Meath, Ireland


Mr Daniel Ronen
Chairperson of Israel IHP Committee Israel National Commission for UNESCO Israel Water Authority
14 Hamasger St., PO Box 20365 IL- 61203 Tel Aviv, Israel

With copy to:
Israel National Commission for UNESCO Ministry of Education
91911 Jerusalem, Israel
+972 3 636 9648 | +972 3 636 9755


Mr Lucio Ubertini
Sapienza University of Rome
Director of Center H2CU – Honor Center of Italian Universities Via Eudossiana 18
00184 Roma, Italia


Mr Henri Hansen
Administration de la gestion de l'eau 1, avenue du Rock'n'Roll
L-4361 Esch-sur-Alzette, Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
+352 24 55 6-555 | +352 24 55 6-7555


Martijn van Staveren Ph.D
Coordinator of the Netherlands IHP-HWRP Committee P/a IHE Delft
Westvest 7
2611 AX Delft
+31 6 4861 5414


Ms Elise Trondsen
Head of section
Department for hydrology 
Water balance section
+47 97 11 60 15


Mr Luis Chainho
Focal Point of IHP/NC of Portugal
Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente, Portugal
+351 214 721 415

With copy to:
Ms Teresa Salado
Counsellor (Technical), Permanent Delegation of Portugal to UNESCO
Maison de l'UNESCO Bureaux M2.25
1, rue Miollis
75732 Paris Cédex 15, France


Ms Concepción Marcuello Olona Deputy Director Assistant
Planning and Sustainable Use of Water Directorate General of Water
MAPAMA – Pza. San Juan de la Cruz, s/n- B-204, Spain
+ 34 91 597 60 36

With copy to:


Ms Anna Johnell
Secretary, Swedish IHP National Committee
Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI)
SE - 60 176 Norrkoping, Sweden


Mr Carlo Scapozza
National Committee of Switzerland for PHI
Chief of Hydrology Division of the Federal Office for the Environment FOEN CH-3003 Berne, Switzerland
+41 (0)58 469 07 62


Dr Murat Ali Hatipoğlu
Focal Point, IHP National Committee of ü쾱
Chief of Department (Survey, Planning and Allocations Department) General Directorate of the State Hydraulic works (DSI)
DSI Genel Müdürlüğü
Etüd, Planlama ve Tahsisler Dairesi Başkanliği Devlet Mahallesi, İnönü Bulvari
06100 Çankaya-Ankara, Turkiye
+90 312 454 5212


United Kingdom
Prof. Harry Dixon
Chairperson, UK Committee for National and International Hydrology Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
Maclean Building, Crowmarsh Gifford, Wallingford
Oxon OX10 8BB, United Kingdom
+44 1491 692254

With copy to:
Joanna Savage
Secretary, UK Committee for International Hydrology
UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Maclean Building, Crowmarsh Gifford, Wallingford
+44 1491 692695


United States of America (USA)
Mr William Cunningham
Chair, US National Committee for IHP 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS 436 Reston, VA 20192, USA +1 703 648 5044

With copy to:
Mr Verne R. Schneider
Executive Secretary, US National Committee for IHP Chief International Water Resources
US Geological Survey, Department of the Interior 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive
MS-420, Reston,VA 20192, USA
+1 703 648 5230

US National Commission for UNESCO US Department of State
2121 Virginia Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20037, USA
+1 202 663 0026

Eastern Europe

Dr Mitat Sanxhaku
Chairperson, IHP National Committee of Albania
Hydrometeorological Institute
Durresi Street 219
Tirana, Albania
+335 42 23518 | +335 42 23518


Mr Arsen Harutyunyan
Chairman, IHP National Committee of Armenia
Chairman of the State Committee of Water Economy
(Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Armenia)
13a  Vardanants St., Yerevan 0010, Armenia
+374 10 54 09 09 | +374 10 54 06 13 

With copy to:
Ms Tigranuhi Baghdasaryan
Secretary, IHP National Committee of Armenia
Head of the Division for External Relations
State Committee of Water Economy
Ministry of Energy Infrastructures and Natural Resources of the Republic of Armenia
+374 10 54 02 77

Ms Anahit Karapetyan
Member, IHP National Committee of Armenia
Armenian National Commission for UNESCO
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia
Government House #2
3 Vazgen Sargsyan, Yerevan 0010, Republic of Armenia
+374 60 62 02 44


Mr Farda Imanov
Chairperson, IHP National Committee of Azerbaijan
Baku State University
Chair of Hydrometeorology
Academ. Z. Khalilov str., 23
Baku, AZ 1148, Azerbaijan
+99 450 346 26 86
via UNESCO National Commission


Ms Natalia Shevtsova
Deputy Chief, Hydrometeorological Center
110 Nezavisimosti Avenue
220114 Minsk, Belarus
+375 17 267 23 13 | +375 17 267 03 35
via UNESCO National Commission



Dr Plamen Ninov
Chairman, IHP National Committee
Director of the Hydrology Department
National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
66 Tsarigradsko Shose, Blvd
1784 Sofia, Bulgaria 
+359 885 44 04 95

With copy to:
Prof Dobri Dimitrov
Deputy Director, National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
66 Tsarigradsko Shose, Blvd
1784 Sofia, Bulgaria
+359 2 462 4549


Mr Danko Biondić
President, IHP National Committee of Croatia
Croatian Waters
Ulica grada Vukovara 220
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
+385 91 408 9017


Dr Jan Danhelka
Czech National Committee for Hydrology
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute
Na Sabatce 17
143 06 Praha - Komorany, Czechia
+420 24403 2300

With copy to:
Mr Ondrej Ledvinka
[same address as above]
+420 24403 2364


Mrs Reeda Iismaa
Focal Point, IHP National Committee of Estonia
Water Department
Ministry of the Environment
Narva mnt. 7a, 15172 Tallinn, Estonia
+372 626 2857 | +372 5887 5440
With copy to:
Ms Anna Põrh
Chief Specialist
Hydrology Department
Estonian Environment Agency
Mustamäe tee 33, 10616 Tallinn, Estonia
+372 666 0919
Permanent Delegation of Estonia to UNESCO | National Commission of Estonia for UNESCO


Mr Davit Kereselidze
Tbilisi State University
Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences
Tbilisi State University
1 Chavchavadze Avenue
Tbilisi 0179, Georgia


Mr Laszlo Balatonyi
Head of the Hungarian IHP National Committee
General Directorate of Water Management
H-1012 Budapest, Marvany u. 1/d, Hungary


Mr Juozas Šimkus
Chief of Hydrological Observation Division
Lithuanian Hydrometeorological Service
Rudnios st. 6
LT-09300 Vilnius, Lithuania
+370 648 06229


Mr Valeriu Cazac
Chairperson, IHP National Committee of the Republic of Moldova
Director, State Hydrometeorological Service 
Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources 
193 Grenoble str.
MD-2043 Chisinau
Republic of Moldova
+373 22 773500/11 | +373 22 773611/36 |

With copy to:
Mr. Dinu Pepeliță
State Hydrometeorological Service
Republic of Moldova


Mr Maciej Zalewski
Focal Point, IHP National Committee of Poland
Director, European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology (ERCE) under the auspices of UNESCO
3 Tylna Street
90-364 Lodz, Poland
+48 42 681 70 07


Mrs. Olimpia Negru
Director General
Department of Waters
Ministry of Waters and Forests of Romania
Calea Plevnei, nr. 46-48, Sector 1
București 010233, Romania
+40 21 4089531

With copy to:
Mrs. Ruxandra Balaet, PhD. Eng.
Senior adviser –Water Resources Management Directorate
Technical Secretariat of Romanian National Committee for IHP
Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests, 
46-48 Calea Plevnei, Sector 1,
București 010233, Romania
+40 21 3166156


Russian Federation
Ms Olga V. Gorelits
Executive Secretary, IHP National Committee of the Russian Federation
State Oceanographic Institute
6 Kropotkinsky per.
Moscow 119034, Russian Federation
+7 095 255 2272 | +7 499 246 64 48
+7 095 253 9484 | +7 499 246 72 88


Mr Jovan Despotovic
President of the IHP National Committee for Serbia
Faculty of Civil Engineering - Belgrade
Boul. King Alexander 73/I - 164
11000 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
+381 11 337 02 06


Mr Pavol Miklánek
Chairperson, Slovak Committee for Hydrology
Institute of Hydrology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
Racianska 75
831 02 Bratislava, Slovakia
+421 2 32 29 35 05 | +421 2 44 25 93 11

With copy to:
Mrs Dana Halmova
Secretary, IHP National Committee of Slovakia
Institute of Hydrology SAS
Racianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovakia 
and Permanent Delegation of Slovakia to UNESCO


Mr. Matjaž Mikoš
Slovenian National Committee for UNESCO-IHP
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Jamova cesta 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 
+386 1 4768 590 | +386 41 761186


Dr Volodymyr Osadchyi 
Director of the Institute, Acting Chairperson of the IHP NC
Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute, State Service for Emergencies, National Academy of Sciences
37, Nauki Prospect
252028 Kyiv, Ukraine 
+380 44 5258666

Latin America and the Caribbean

Antigua and Barbuda
Mr Mcclure Simon
IHP National Focal Point
Water Management
Antigua Public Utilities Authority (APUA)
High Street & Independence Ave.
PO Box 416
St. John´s, Antigua, W.I.
+1 268 4807612


Sr. Gustavo Villa Uría
Comité Nacional PHI
Subsecretario de Obras Públicas
Secretaría de Infraestructura y Política Hídrica
Ministerio de Obras Públicas
Avda. Roque Sáenz Peña 777 - 8vo. Piso
Buenos Aires, Argentina
+5411 434 98559

With copy to:
Sr. Pablo Storani
Director Nacional de Política Hídrica y Coordinación Federal
Secretaría de Infraestructura y Política Hídrica
Ministerio de Obras Públicas
Avda. Roque Sáenz peña 777 – 6to. piso (oficina 67)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
+54 11 2755 8589


Mr Filomeno Marchena
IHP Focal Point 
Water - en Energiebedrijf Aruba (W.E.B.) N.V. 
Balashi 76 
PO Box 575, Aruba
+ 1 297 5254640 | + 1 297 5853575 

With copy to:
Nathailie Maduro via UNESCO National Commission


Mr John Bowleg
IHP Focal Point
Water Resources Management Unit
Bahamas Water and Sewerage Corporation
P.O. Box N-3905
Nassau, N.P., Bahamas
+1 242 302 5607


Ms Jaime Paul
IHP Focal Point
Barbados Water Authority
Spring Garden, Barbados 
+246 425 9110


Ms Tennielle Williams
IHP Focal Point
Principal Hydrologist
National Hydrological Service
Ministry of Natural Resources
H.M. Queen Elizabeth II Boulevard
Cohune Walk Area
Belmopan, Belize C.A.

With copy to:
Ms Rhona Lopez
IHP Alternate Focal Point
Data Analyst
National Hydrological Service
Ministry of Natural Resources
H.M. Queen Elizabeth II Boulevard
Cohune Walk Area
Belmopan, Belize C.A.
+501-828-5044 | +501-605-1301


Ms Marissa Castro Magnani
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores 
Plaza Murillo C. Junin, Esquina Ingavi 
La Paz, Bolivia
+5912 224 08900 ext. 2265


Mr Vitor Saback
Angencia Nacional de Agua y Saneamiento Policial, Área 5, Quadra 3, Bloco L
70610-200 - Brasilia/DF, Brazil
+55 (61) 2108-1941


British Virgin Islands
Mr Manoherlal Kerof 
IHP Focal Point 
Water and Sewerage Department 
P.O. Box 130 
Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands

With copy to: 
Mr Michael Davis 
Engineer, Water and Sewerage Department 
P.O Box 130, Road Town 
Tortola, British Virgin Islands
+1 284 494 3416 | +1 284 494 3417 


Mr. Gabriel Mancilla
Vice Presidente
Comité Nacional PHI
Centro del Agua para Zonas Áridas y Semiáridas de América Latina y el Caribe.
Benavente 980,La Serena, Chile

With copy to:


Ms Yolanda Gonzalez Hernandez
Directora General Instituto de Hidrología,
Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales de Colombia
Carrera 10 # 20 - 30 piso 7
Santa Fe de Bogotá, Colombia
+57 (1) 3527160 Ext. 1129 / 1121 

With copy to:
Nelson Omar Vargas Martínez
Subdirector de Hidrología
Calle 25 D No. 96 B - 70 Bogotá D.C., Colombia


Costa Rica
Mr José Miguel Zeledón Calderón
Comité Nacional PHI
Dirección de Agua del Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía (MINAE)
Edificio Vista Palace, Calle 25. Avenida 8 y 10
San José, Costa Rica
+506 2221-7514 Ext. 101


Mr Carlos Alberto Luaces Socarrás
Chairperson of Cuban IHP National Committee
(Group III — Latin America and the Caribbean)
Director of the Secretariat of the National Council of Hydrographic Basins (CNCH)
National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (INRH)
Humboldt no. 106, esq. a Plaza Vedado
Plaza de la Revolución, Habana 4|CP 10400
Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba
+537 836 6777


Mr Christiaan Willem Winkel 
IHP Focal Point 
Director, Department of Agriculture and Nature Management 
Klein Kwartier 33
+5999 737 6170 | +5999 737 0723
via UNESCO NatCom  


Mr Bernard Ettinoffe
IHP Focal Point
General Manager, Dominica Water and Sewerage Company Ltd.
3 High Street, PO Box 185
Roseau, Dominica W.I. 
+1 767 255 2900


República Dominicana
Mr Olmedo Caba Romano
Comité Nacional PHI
Director Ejecutivo, Instituto Nacional de Recursos Hidráulicos (INDRHI)
Av. Jiménez Moya
Centro de los Héroes
Apartado 1407
Código Postal 10101
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
+1809 532 3387 | +1809 532 3271 ext. 3272


Ms Catalina Ortiz
Specialist on Territorial and Inter-sectorial Articulation
Water National Secretary
Quito, Ecuador

With copy to:
Mauricio Vergara
Dirección Técnica de los Recoursos Hidricos
Deputy Technical Focal Point

Juan José Saltos
Responpible for IHP matters at the Ministry of Environment
Dirección de Cooperacion Internacional (International Cooperation Directorate)
Minesterio de Ambiente
+593 99 256 8723


El Salvador
Mr Rodolfo Antonio Cerón Pineda
Gerente de Hidrología a. i.
Ministerio del Medio Ambiente y
Recursos Naturales
Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (MARN)
Kilómetro 5 ½ Carretera a Santa Tecla,
Calle y Colonia Las Mercedes, Edificio MARN No. 2
San Salvador, El Salvador
+503 2132 9617 | +503 78563370


Mr Christopher Husbands 
IHP Focal Point 
General Manager 
National Water and Sewerage Authority 
PO Box 392 Carenage 
St. George’s, Grenada 
+473 440 2155 | +473 440 4107


Mr Juan Pablo Oliva Hernández
Comité Nacional PHI
Director, Instituto Nacional de Sismología,
Vulcanología, Meteorología e Hidrología
7A Avenida 14-57, Zona 13
Ciudad de Guatemala
C.A. 01013, Guatemala
+502 2261 3238


Mr Garvin Cummings 
IHP Focal Point
Deputy Chief Hydromet Officer 
Hydrometeorological Department 
+592 225- 4247/223- 7275/225- 9303 
via UNESCO National Commission


Mr Astrel Joseph
Directeur des Ressources en Eau
Ministère de l'Environnement
11 rue 4, Pacot
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Tel: +509 48988606


Ms Carmen Cartagena Gómez
Punto Focal PHI
Secretaria de Energía, Recursos Naturales,
Ambiente y Minas
Apdo Postal 1389.4710
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
+504 22 35 45 29


Mr Peter Clarke
IHP Focal Point
Water Resources Authority
Hope Gardens
PO Box 91, Kingston 7, Jamaica
+1 876 927 0077 | +1 876 927 1878


Mr German Arturo Martínez Santoyo
Director General de la Comisión Nacional del Agua (Conagua)
Av. Insurgentes Sur 2416, Col. Copilco el Bajo. Coyoacán, C.P. 04030
Ciudad de México
+52 (55) 517444000 Ext. 1083

With copy to:
Ms Silvia Chávez Cereceda
Gerente de Cooperación Internacional, Conagua
Av. Insurgentes Sur 2416, Col. Copilco el Bajo. Coyoacán, C.P. 04030
Ciudad de México
+52 (55) 517444000 Ext. 1083/1313


Mr Isaías Montoya Blanco
Punto Focal PHI
Director Técnico
Dirección General de Recursos Hídricos
Instituto Nicaragüense de Estudios Territoriales (INETER)
Frente Policlínica Oriental INSSBI
Apartado Postal 2110
Managua, Nicaragua 
+505 2249 2756 | +505 8663 1851


Karima Rosario Lince Jaramillo
Directora Nacional de Seguridad Hídrica
Ministerio de Ambiente
Edif.804 Apartado Ancón-República de Panamá,
Calle Broberg, Panama City, República de Panamá

With copy to:
Mr Florencio Ayarza
Director Seguridad Hidrica
Ministerio de Ambiente
Edif.804 Apartado Ancón-República de Panamá,
Calle Broberg, Panama City C-0843-00793, República de Panamá


Mr Jose Silvero
Comité Nacional PHI
Director General
Dirección General de Protección y Conservación de los Recursos Hídricos
Ministerio del Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible
Madame Lynch Nº 3500
Asunción, Paraguay
+5959994102412 |


Mr Guillermo Baigorria
Comité Nacional PHI
Presidente Ejecutivo
Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (SENAMHI)
Jirón Cahuide No. 785, Jesús María
Casilla Postal 1308
Lima 11, Peru
+511 614 1414 ext. 400


Saint Kitts and Nevis
Mr Cromwell Williams 
IHP Focal Point
Assistant Water Engineer
St. Kitts Water Services Department
Saint Kitts and Nevis
+1 869 465 8000


Saint Lucia
Mr Miguel C. Montoute
Water Resource Management Agency
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries
Physical Planning, Natural Resources
and Co-operatives
Saint Lucia
+ 4503540 / 7248638


Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Mr Danroy Ballantyne
IHP Focal Point
Central Water and Sewerage Authority
Ministry of Health and Environment (MHE)
P.O. Box 363 Kingstown
+1 784 456 2946 | 


Sint Maarten
Mr Tadzio Bervoets
Punto Focal PHI
Ebenezer Estate # 10
St. Maarten, Dutch Caribbean
+1 721 5864588


Mr Moekiran Armand Amatali 
IHP Focal Point 
Head of Hydraulic Research Division 
Ministry of Public Works 
Magnesiumstraat 41 
Paramaribo, Suriname


Trinidad and Tobago
Mr Rajindra Gosine 
IHP Focal Point 
Water and Sewerage Authority of Trinidad and Tobago 
Farm Rd., Valsayn, St. Joseph, Trinidad and Tobago
+1 868 662 2302 ext. 2001 | +1 868 638 7817

With copy to :
Ms Sharon Archie 
Water Resources at Water and Sewerage Authority 
Farm Rd., Valsayn, St. Joseph 
+1 868 662 2302 | +1 868 638 7817 


Ms. Viviana Pesce
Comité Nacional PHI
Director Nacional
Dirección Nacional de Agua - DINAGUA
Ministerio de Ambiente
Rondeau 1921, Montevideo, Uruguay
+598 29249949 int 5091

With copy to:
Secretaria General de la Comisión Nacional del Uruguay para la UNESCO
Ministerio de Educación y Cultura
Reconquista 535 - piso 5
Montevideo, Uruguay
+598 2 917 0710 | int. 50000
+598 2 916 4667


Mr Carlos Aponte
Presidente Comité Nacional PHI
Viceministro de Administración de Cuencas Hidrográficas
Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Atención de las Aguas
Centro Simón Bolívar, Torres del Silencio, Plaza Caracas
Caracas, Distrito Capital, Venezuela

Asia and the Pacific

Dr Mohammad Qasim Seddeqy
National Hydrology Committee for Afghanistan (NHCA)
Professor, Kabul Polytechnic University (KPU)
Islamic Republic of Afghanistan


Mr Dasarath Jayasuriya
Chairperson, IHP National Committee 
Assistant Director (Water Prediction) 
Water Forecasting Services Branch 
GPO Box 1289, 
Docklands, Vic, 3008, Australia
+61 03 9669 4889 / 8638 8251 | +61 3 419893706
+61 03 9669 47 25


Mr Sajjad Hossain
Director, Joint Rivers Commission-Bangladesh 
Member-Secretary, Bangladesh National Committee for IHP
House 13, Road 4, Dhanmondi Residential Area 
Dhaka 1205, Bangladesh
+880 2 966 9935
+880 2 966 8646 | via UNESCO National Commission 


Mr Karma Chhophel 
Chairman, IHP Bhutan National Committee 
Head, Hydro-Met Services Division 
Department of Energy 
Ministry of Trade and Industry 
Thimpu, Bhutan 


H.E. Mr Lim Kean Hor 
Minister of Water Resources and Meteorology 
Chairperson, IHP National Committee 
47 Preah Norodom Blvd. 
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
+855 23 426 345 | 425 645
+855 23 725 989 |
via UNESCO National Commission 


Dr. Dazheng Yu 
Secretary-General, Chinese National Committee for IHP 
Department of Hydrology, Ministry of Water Resources 
2 Lane 2, Baiguang Road 
Beijing 100053, China
+86 10 6320 4538

With copy to: 
Dr. Zhongbo Yu 
Vice Chairman, Chinese National Committee for IHP
Professor,Hohai University 
1 Xikang Road 
Nanjing 210098, China
+86 25 8378 6721


Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea
Mr Ko Sang Bok
Chairperson, National Committee for the IHP
Administrator, State Hydrometeorological Administration (SHMA)
Oesong Dong, Central District
Pyongyang, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 


Mr Vikas C. Goyal
Scientist 'G' & Head
Research Management & Outreach Division
Member-Secretary, INC-IHP of UNESCO
National Institute of Hydrology
Roorkee-247667, Uttarakhand, India
+91-1332-249226; 276417 


Dr. Budi Heru Santosa, M.Sc.
Chair of the Indonesian National Committee for IHP
Jl. Jenderal Gatot Subroto No. 10
Jakarta 12710, Indonesia

With copy to:

Ali Rahmat, Ph.D.
Executive Secretary of the Indonesian National Committee for IHP
Jl. Jenderal Gatot Subroto No. 10
Jakarta 12710, Indonesia

Dr. Sepanie Putiamnlini, M.Si.
Executive Secretary of the Indonesian National Committee for IHP
Jl. Jenderal Gatot Subroto No. 10
Jakarta 12710, Indonesia
+62 21 5251850

Saraswati Diah Rini H.M., SE., M.I.Kom.
Secretariat Focal Point UNESCO
Jl. Jenderal Gatot Subroto No. 10
Jakarta 12710, Indonesia

Hendradi Setiono, AMd.
Secretariat Focal Point UNESCO
Jl. Jenderal Gatot Subroto No. 10
Jakarta 12710, Indonesia
+62 85775804084


Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Mr Farhad Yazdandoost
K N Toosi University of Technology
470 Mirdamad St. Tehran, Iran
+98 (0)21 8888 3001


Mr Yasuto Tachikawa
Chair of Japanese National Committee for IHP
Professor, Graduate School of Engineering and Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
c/o Office of DG - Japanese National Commission for UNESCO, 3-2-2, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, 
Tokyo, 100-8959, Japan

Mr Takao Noda
Senior Programme Specialist
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
3-2-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 100-8959, Japan
+81 3 6734 2557


Mr Igor V. Severskiy 
Chairperson, Kazakh National Committee for IHP 
Head, Laboratory of Glaciology of Kazakh Institute of Geography 
Kazakh National Academy of Science 
99 Pushkin Street 
050 010 Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan


National Commission of the Kyrgyz Republic for UNESCO
720040, 54 Erkindik Blvd.
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Tel.:+996 312 626-761,624-681

With copy to:
Permanent Delegation of the Kyrgyz Republic to UNESCO
Tel. +33 1 71 60 37 04


Lao People's Demoractic Republic
Mr Sithanh Southichack 
Director General Department of Meteorology and Hydrology 
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment 
Souphanouvong Road, Ban Akart 
Sikhottachong District 
P.O. BOX 2903 
Vientiane, Lao PDR
+856 21 21 5010 | 5011
+856 21 22 3446 


Y. Bhg Dato' Ir. Zulkefli bin Hassan
Chairman of UNESCO-IHP Malaysia
Department of Irrigation and Drainage Malaysia
Jalan Sultan Salahuddin
50626 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
+60-3-2616 1504 | +60-3-2697 2484

Ir. Hj. Mohd Razali bin Hussain
Deputy Secretary of UNESCO-IHP Malaysia (Contact Person)
Deputy Director
Division of Water Resources and Hydrology
Department of Irrigation and Drainage Malaysia
KM 7, Jalan Ampang
68000 Ampang
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
+603 4289 5507 | +6019 600 3898  | +603 4256 4037

With copy to:
Permanent delegation of Malaysia to UNESCO


Mr L.Erdenebulgan
Chairperson of the Mongolian National IHP Committee
and Director of the Department of Water policy and Regulation
Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Mongolia.
Government Building II, United Nations street 5/2, Chingeltei dsitrict,
15160 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 

With copy to:
Ms N. Chimeddulam 
Secretary, Mongolian IHP National Committee 
Programme Specialist for Natural Sciences 
Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO 
Government Building IX, PO Box 38 
Revolution Avenue 
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
+976 11 70 10 56 52 | +976 11 70 32 26 12
via UNESCO National Commission


Mr Ye Ye Nyein
Chair, IHP National Committee of Myanmar 
Assistant Director, Department of Meteorology and Hydrology 
Ministry of Transport 
Government of the Union of Myanmar 
Nay Pyi Daw, Myanmar
+95 1 665 669 | +95 67 411031
+95 1 665 944 / 704 | +95 67 411449 


Ms Laxmi Prasad Devkota
Senior Research Scientist
Nepal Development Research Institute
Shree Durbar Tole, Pulchowk 
GPO Box: 8975, EPC 2201 Kathmandu, Nepal
+977 9851010687  | +977-1-5554975


New Zealand
Mr Dennis Jamieson 
Secretary, IHP National Committee of New Zealand 
National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd. (NIWA) 
10 Kyle Street 
PO Box 8602 
Wellington, New Zealand

With copy to: 
M.S. Srinivasan 
Secretary, IHP National Committee of New Zealand 
(same address as above)
+64 3 343 8031


Dr. Muhammad Ashraf,
Director General (R&C), PCRWR
Khayaban-e-Johar, H-8/1
Islamabad, Pakistan

With copy to:
Permanent Delegation of Pakistan to UNESCO


Papua New Guinea
Mr Maino Virobo 
Acting Chairman 
PNG National Committee for the IHP 
P.O. Box 6601 
Boroko, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea 
+675 3014516
+675 325 0182 



Prof. Guilermo Q. Tabios III
Chairperson of IHP - Philippine National Committee
Institute of Civil Engineering and
National Hydraulic Research Center
University of the Philippines
Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines


Republic of Korea
Mr. Kwan-Sue Jung
Co-Chairperson, IHP National Committee of the Republic of Korea
Professor of Civil Engineering
Department Chungnam National University
Yuseong, Daejeon, 34134, Republic of Korea

With a copy to: 
UNESCO IHP-ROK Secretariat
125 Yuseong-daero 1689beon-gil,
Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34045, Republic of Korea
+82 42 369 8800 (8801; 8802)


Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka National Commission for UNESCO 
Ministry of Education and Higher Education, "Isurupaya" 
Battaramulla, Sri Lanka
00 94 11 21 77 002
00 94 11 21 77 006 


Ms Thayida Siritreeratomrong Van Corstanje
Secretary-General Office of the National Water Resources
Juthamard Building
89/168-170 Vibhavadi Rangsit Rd.,
Talad Bang Khen Sub-District
Lak Si District, Bangkok, 10210


Mr Victor Chub
General Director
72, 1-st Bodomzor yuli str
Tashkent 100052, Republic of Uzbekistan
+998 71 234 2341 


Dr Tran Thuc 
Chairperson, Vietnam IHP National Committee Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology 
5/62 Nguyen Chi Thanh Street 
Dong Da District, Hanoi, Socialist Republic of Vietnam 
+84 4 835 9540 | M: +84 4 0903282894
+84 4 835 5993


National Department of Water Supply and Sanitation
Ministry of Construction and Housing
c/o UNESCO National Commission
Ministère de l'Education
C.P. 1451
Luanda, Angola
+244 233 70 10 to 013 | +244 239 20 38


M. Emmanuel Agnidé Lawin
Président, Comité national pour le PHI
Université d’Aboney-Calavi
Faculté des sciences et techniques
BP 526
Cotonou, République du Bénin
+229 97 58 18 09

With copy to: 
M. Arnaud Zannou
Secrétaire, Comité National pour le PHI
Coordonnateur du Programme Gestion des Ressources en Eau
Direction Générale de l’Eau
République du Bénin


Mr Obolokile T. O. Obakeng 
IHP Focal Point 
Director Department of Water Affairs 
Private Bag 0029 Gaborone, Botswana
+267 313 36 33

With copy to: 
Botswana National Commission for UNESCO
Ministry of Education
Private Bag 005
Gaborone, Botswana
(+267) 365 61 63 | (+267) 365 54 80 | (+267) 367 54 63


Burkina Faso
M. Seydina Oumar Traoré 
Coordonnateur national du Programme National d’Aménagements Hydrauliques
Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Ressources Hydrauliques, de l’Assainissement et de la Sécurité Alimentaire  
03 BP 7005 Ouagadougou 03, Burkina Faso
+226 70 15 06 47
via UNESCO National Commission


M. Podga Podga Victor
Conseiller technique N 2
Ministère de l'Eau et de l'Energie
République du Cameroun
+237 677 40 46 62
via Cameroon Permanent Delegation to UNESCO


Cabo Verde
Mr António Pedro Said Aly de Pina
Presidente do Comité National do PHI - Programa
Hidrológico Internacional da UNESCO
Agência Nacional de Água e de Saneamento
CP 567 – Praia, Cabo Verrde
+ 238 998 20 30 | + 238 3338836


Central African Republic
M. Athanase Yambele
Direction de la météorologie et de l'hydrologie
Avenue de l'Indépendance, B.P : 941
Bangui, République Centrafricaine
+23675047802 | +23672789686


M. Djékornondé Ngarnadjibé Malon
Ingénieur de Conception en Hydrologie
Mastère en Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau et de l’Environnement
Point Focal du PHI-UNESCO
Consultant National
Expert en suivi des ressources en eau
Ministère de l'Eau et de l’Assainissement
Direction des Ressources en Eau
BP 429
N’Djaména, Tchad
+235 66287196 | 91729895

With copy to:
M. Abdelkerim Adoum
Commission nationale Tchadienne pour l'UNESCO
Fontaine de l'Union
BP 731
N’Djamena, Tchad
+235 66 28 18 63
via Chad Permanent Delegation to UNESCO 


M. Kassim
Ministère de la Production et de l'Industrie 
Moroni (Grande Comore), Comoros
via UNESCO National Commission 
+269 73 14 64 | +269 73 08 91


Côte d'Ivoire
M. Aka Natchia
Centre de recherches océanologiques
BP V18 Abidjan


M. Clobite Bouka Biona
Directeur Général de l’Institut national de recherche en sciences exactes et naturelles (IRSEN)
With copy to:
M. Jean Bienvenu Dinga
Chef de service hydrologie à l’IRSEN


Democratic Republic of the Congo
M. Camille Iyaka Ankao
Chef de Division à la Direction des Ressources en Eau
Ministère de l'Environnement et Développement Durable
7 Rue n° 17, Quartier Industriel, Commune de Limete, B.P 12 348 Kin-1, Kinshasa
+243817667224 | +243998932156


Equatorial Guinea
Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Francofonía 
c/o UNDP Resident Representative 
C.P. Box 399, Guinea Equatorial  
+240 9 2643 (UNESCO NatCom)


Mr Semunesh Golla
Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy
Director, Hydrology and Water Quality Directorate
Federal Democratic, Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity
P.O.Box 5744 and 5673
Haile G/Silassie Road
Addis Ababa, Republic of Ethiopia 
+251 1 0116610708 | +251 1 0911123708


Mr Patrice Soulounganga
Doctor in Industrial Sciences and Technologies,
Organic Chemistry Option
BP 7803 Libreville, Gabon
+24107478309 | +24106103629



Mr Lamin Mai Touray
National Focal Point for the Gambia
Department of Water Resources
7 Marina Parade
Banjul, Gambia
00220 4227631 / 00220 4416008 / 00220 9983845

With copy to:
Ousman Senghore


Mr. Benjamin Yaw Bempong Ampomah
Chairperson, Ghana IHP National Committee
Executive Secretary
Water Resources Commission
Leshie Crescent Labone
+233 (0) 244 874 138


Toumany Baro 
Directeur National Adjoint 
Direction Nationale de l'Hydraulique 
B.P. 642 
Conakry, Guinée 
+224 41 48 94 | +224 41 34 41
via UNESCO National Commission


M. Paulino Sousa de Azinhaga 
Chef du Service Hydrologie, Guinée-Bissau 
Ministère des Ressources Naturelles (MRN) 
Direction Générale des Ressources Hydriques (DGRH) 
BP 399 
Bissau, Guinée-Bissau
+245 667 40 41
via UNESCO National Commission 


Antony Mwenje
Focal Point, IHP- Kenya
Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation
P. O. Box 49720 - 00100, Maji House, Ngong' Road, Room 473
Nairobi, Kenya
Mob.: +254 722652075 Off.: +2540703927363
Landline: +254-20-2716103

Dr George Eshiamwata,
Deputy Director, Natural Sciences
Ag. Secretary, IHP-Kenya
Kenya National Commission for UNESCO

With copy to:
Eva N. Maina
Deputy Permanent Delegate
Permanent Delegation of Kenya to UNESCO
1, Rue Miollis, 75732 Paris Cedex 15, France


Mr Mokake Mojakisane 
Director, Department of Water Affairs 
PO Box 772 Maseru 100, Lesotho
+266 223 175 16
via UNESCO National Commission 

With copy to:
Lesotho National Commission for UNESCO 
Ministry of Education and Training
P.O. Box 47 Maseru 100, Lesotho
+266 223 159 32 | +266 223 102 97
via UNESCO National Commission


Mr John G. Thomas 
Focal Point, National Committee for the IHP 
Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy 
P.O. Box 10-1924 1000 Monrovia 10, Liberia 
+231 6 522 633 | +231 22 62 81 |
via UNESCO National Commission 


Ms Lucia Dorès Andriamanantena
Membre du Comité National, Assistante du Point focal
Ministère de l’Eau, de l’Assainissement et de l’Hygiène
Ex Immeuble DAIEC, Ambohijatovo Ambony
Antananarivo 101, Madagascar
+261 34 20 510 90 | + 261 32 02 109 20 |
via Commission Natinale malgache pour l'UNESCO


Ms Modesta Banda Kanjaye 
IHP contact person 
Director of Water Resources 
Ministry of Irrigation and Water Development 
P O Box 390 
Lilongwe, Malawi
+265 8888 531 88

With copy to: 
Sibande Hyde 
Ministry of Irrigation and Water Development 
Tikwere House 
Postal Bag 390 Lilongwe 2, Malawi
+265 1770 344 | +265 177 3737
via UNESCO National Commission 


M. Malick Alhousseini
Président du Comité national pour le PHI 
Directeur National de l'Hydraulique 
Ministère des Mines, de l'Energie et de l'Eau 
Square Patrice Lumumba 
BP 66 
Bamako, République du Mali
+223 221 10 39 | 221 25 88 | 22148 77; +223 222 25 15
+223 221 86 35; +223 223 37 67 |
via UNESCO National Commission 


Mr Lomush Juggoo
IHP Focal point for Mauritius
Water Resources of Mauritius, Mauritius 
+020 4035400 | +020 52517866 


Ms Roda Nuvunga Luis 
Secretaria Executiva 
Conselho Científico das Águas 
Av. Patrice Lumumba, 770 
Maputo, Mozambique 
+258 1 352800 | +258 1 352880
via UNESCO National Commission 


Ms Paulina Mufeti
Focal Point for the IHP National Committee of Namibia
Acting Deputy Director
Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry
National Hydrological Services
Private Bag 13193
Windhoek, Namibia
+264 61 208 7191 | +264 81 250 | via UNESCO National Commission


M. Abdou Guero 
Président du Comité national pour le PHI 
Directeur des Ressources en Eau 
Ministère des Ressources en Eau 
BP 257 
Niamey, Niger
+227 72 38 89 poste 43 | +227 72 40 15 | via Permanent Delegation 


Mr Clement O. Nze
Secretary of the Nigerian National Committee for IHP
Nigeria Hydrological Services Agency
Federal Ministry of Water Resources
Plot 222, Shetimma Ali Monguno Crescent
Utako District, Abuja, Nigeria
+234 8033185945

With copy to:
James Binang Bisong
Assistant Secretary of Nigeria National Committee for IHP

Mr Christian B. Sekomo 
IHP/NC Chairperson
Senior Lecturer at University of Rwanda
UR-CST, Av. de l'Armée
P.O.Box 3900 Kigali, Rwanda
+250 (0)788879785

Mr Albert Mutesa
IHP-Rwanda Focal Person
Director, Science and Technology
at CNRU (Rwanda NatCom)
Rwanda National Commission for UNESCO
CNRU (Commission Nationale Rwandaise pour l’UNESCO)
REMERA, Gasabo District, Kigali City
B.P. 2502
Kigali, Rwanda
+250 (0)788504799


Sao Tome and Principe
Mr Edchilson das Neves Cravid    
Focal Point for IHP
Ministério das Infraestruturas, Recursos Naturais e Ambiente
Largos das Alfândegas
Av.  12 de Julho
Cx. Postal - 130, Sao Tome and Principe
+239 996 8484 | +239 222 2747

With copy to:
UNESCO National Commission


Mr Niokhor Ndour
Directeur de la Gestion et de la Planification des Ressources en Eau (DGPRE)
Ex Camp Lat Dior, Avenue Peytavin x Corniche Ouest
BP: 4014, Dakar, Sénégal 
+221 77 740 95 10

With copy to: 
Mr Gaye Cheikh Becaye
Prof Ministère de l’Enseignement
Supérieur et de la Recherche
Immeuble fatou Nourou Diop,
Allées Pape Guèye Fall
BP 36005, Dakar, Sénégal
+221 77 425 71 36
via UNESCO National Commission 


Sierra Leone
Mr Moijue Francis
Water Resources Planning and Monitoring Engineer
Ministry of Energy and Water Resources, Water Department
4th Floor Electricity House, Siaka Stevens Street, Freetown
Sierra Leone
+232 76 610 558 (Francis)
+232 22 240 560 (UNESCO NatCom)
via UNESCO National Commission 

With copy to:
Ms Fenda A. Akiwuni
National Committee for IHP
Land and Water Development Division
Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Freetown, Sierra Leone 


South Africa
Ms Deborah Mochotlhi
Focal Point and Chairperson, South African National Committee for UNESCO-IHP
DDG: Water Planning and Information Management
Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS)
Private Bag x313
Pretoria 0001, South Africa 
+27 12 336 7255

With copy to:
Ramongale Sekwele
+27 12 336 8867
and Prof. Yongxin Xu
UNESCO Chair on Hydrolgeology
+27 21 959 3900


Mr Spencer Green-Thompsons
Department of Water Affairs
4th Floor Dlanubeka Building
P.O. Box 6201, Mbabane, Swaziland, H100


M. Ouézou Yaovi Azouma
Président du Comité national togolais pour le PHI
Maître de Conférences et Chef du département Génie rural et machinisme agricole
Ecole Supérieure d' Agronomie
Université de Lomé, Togo
+228 22 25 41 97 | +228 22 27 35 20 | +228 90 16 16 49

With copy to:
Commission nationale du Togo pour l'UNESCO


Mr Callist Tindimugaya
Chairperson of Ugandan IHP National Committee
Commissioner for Water Resources Planning and Regulation,
Ministry of Water and Environment
Kampala, Uganda

With copy to:
Mr Dominic V. Lali Mundrugo-Ogo
National Commission for UNESCO
Secretary of IHP National Committee

With copy to:
Permanent Delegation of Uganda to UNESCO


United Republic of Tanzania
Focal Point, IHP National Committee of Tanzania 
via UNESCO National Commission of the United Republic of Tanzania 
P.O. Box 20384 
Dar-es-Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania 
+255 22 21 26 598 | +255 22 21 34 292
UNESCO National Commission 


Mr Chisanga Siwale
Principal Water Officer
Focal Point for the IHP
Department of Water Resources Development
BOX 50288
Lusaka, Zambia


Mr Manyangadze Zvikomborero  
Chairperson, IHP National Committee  
Chief Hydrologist
Ministry of Environment, Water and Climate  
P. BAG 7767, Causeway
Harare, Zimbabwe
+263 4 799154
via UNESCO National Commission

Arab States

M. Tahar Aichaoui
Directeur des Etudes et des Aménagements Hydrauliques
Ministère des Ressources en Eau
(Director of Studies and Hydraulic Installations Ministry of Water Resources )
3 Rue du Caire
Kouba, Algeria
+213 (0) 23 786 998

via Délégation permanente de l'Algérie auprès de l'UNESCO 
Maison de l'UNESCO 
1, rue Miollis 
75732 Paris Cedex 15, France
+213 68 04 37 | via Permanent Delegation


The Secretary-General 
National Commission for UNESCO 
Ministry of Education 
P.O. Box 43 
Manama, Bahrain  
+973 78 13 91 | +973 68 11 04 


Dr (Mr) Mahmoud Antar
Head of the Egyptian National Committee of Hydrology
9 Mehwar Al-ShaaheedAl Hay as Sades, Quest Than Madinet Nasr
Cairo Governorate, Egypt

With copy to: 

  1. Dr (Mr) Tahani Selet, Secretary of the Committee
  2. (Ms) Samaa Baroudy, Committee member and task force member for IHP activities, Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, Egypt
  3. (Ms) Enas Ahmed, task force member for IHP activities, Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, Egypt 

National Committee for the IHP 
c/o Secretary-General 
Egyptian National Commission for UNESCO
Giza - 6October City - El Twaswaat El Shamalia Behind El Said Club Building: The Egyptian National Commission for UNESCO - ALECSO - ESESCO
+20238268901-909 | +20238268900


Ms Shaimaa Obaid Kareem 
Water Resources Engineer 
Secretary, Iraqi IHP National Committee 
Ministry of Water Resources 
Baghdad, Iraq 
+964 7709625058

With copy to:
Permanent Delegation 


Mr Mohammad Al-Atrash
Focal Point IHP/NC
Assistant Secretary General for Technical Affairs
Ministry of Water and Irrigation
P.O.Box 2412
11181-Amman, Jordan


Mr Muhammad Fahad Al-Rashed 
Director, Water Resources Division 
Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) 
PO Box 24885 
Safat 13109, Kuwait
+965 24 98 9348 | 


Mr Fadi Georges Comair
Director General of Hydraulic and Electric Resources
Ministry of Energy and Water
Beyrouth, Lebanon


Mr Suleiman Saleh El-Barouni
Director-General of the General Commission of Water Resources
Mobile: 00218925650496


Mr Ahmed Weddady
Directeur de l'Assainissement
Ministère de l'Hydraulique et de l'Assainissement
+222 45 29 44 59 | +222 45 21 41 93

With copy:
UNESCO National Commission 


M. Kamal El Yaalaoui
Chef du Service Hydrologique
Secrétariat d’Etat Chargé de l’eau
Tel : +201 666 01 98 49 | +201 663 13 11 07


Mr Said bin Nasser Al Habsi 
Director General of Water Resources Assessment 
Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Water Resources (MRMWR)
P.O. Box 2575 Ruwi
P. C. 112 Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
+968 2469 8334

With copy to: 
H.E. Ms Ms Amna Al Balushi 
Permanent Delegate of Oman to UNESCO 
1, rue Miollis 
75732 Paris Cedex 15, France


Mr Shaddad Attili 
Focal Point for the IHP 
Chairman, Palestinian Water Authority 
P.O. Box 2174 
Ramallah, Palestine 
+972 2 242 9022 | +972 2 242 9341

With copy to: 


Mr Hamad Saad Al Saad 
Qatar National Focal Point for the IHP 
Department of Agriculture and Water Research 
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture 
P.O. Box 1967 
Doha, Qatar 
+974 492 720 | +974 492 777 | +974 410 526 


Saudi Arabia
Mr Mohammed Al-Saud 
Deputy Minister for Water Affairs 
Chairperson IHP National Committee 
Ministry of Water and Electricity 
PO Box 57616 
Riyadh 11584, Saudi Arabia

Mr Ali S.Altokhais 
Vice-Chairperson IHP National Committee 
Deputy Minister for Water Affairs 
Ministry of Water and Electricity 
PO Box 57616 
Riyadh 11584, Saudi Arabia
+966 1 205 2734 | +966 1 402 2425
+966 1 205 2735 | +966 1 402 2424 


Sarah Seifeldin Hamad Abdalla
Focal Point for the IHP National Committee of Sudan
Hydraulic Research Center, P.O. Box 318,
Nile Street, Wad Medani, Sudan
+249 912 394 985 

With copy to: 

  1. Mr Mohamed Elhassan Eltayeb Elhag
    IHP National Committee of Sudan 
    via National Commission of Sudan for UNESCO
  2.  Secretary General 
    Sudanese National Commission for Education, Science and Culture 
    P.O. Box 2324 
    Khartoum, Sudan
    +249 117 98 88 (National Commission) | +249 11 76030


Syrian Arab Republic
Mr Soliman Rammah 
Deputy Minister of Irrigation 
Ministry of Irrigation 
Damascus-al–Fardoss ST opposite Ibn Kaldoon School, Syrian Arab Republic 
+963 11 245 8238 | +963 11 221 9490


M. Frigui Hassan Lotfi
Directeur Général des Ressources en Eau
Direction Générale des Ressources en Eau, Tunisia 
+216 399 320 | +216 98 623 632


United Arab Emirates
Mr Ahmed Ali Murad 
Member of UAE IHP National Committeee 
UAE University 
Geology Department, College of Science 
P.O. Box 17551, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates 
+971 50 6496162

Via The Permanent Delegation of the United Arab Emirates to UNESCO 
1, rue Miollis 
75732 Paris Cedex 15, France


Mr Mohamed Al-Kadasi 
International Coordinator of Yemeni National Commission (YNC) for the IHP 
Secretary-General of NATCOM UNESCO, Yemen 
+967 1 231 733 | +967 1 231 530