Governing bodies of the Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme
IHP Intergovernmental Council
The planning, definition of priorities, and supervision of the execution of IHP are ensured by the Intergovernmental Council. The Council is composed of 36 UNESCO Member States elected by the General Conference of UNESCO at its ordinary sessions held every two years. Equitable geographical distribution and appropriate rotation of the representatives of the Member States are ensured in the composition of the Council. Each of UNESCO’s six electoral regions elects Member States for membership in the Council.
The term of office of members of the Council is four years, and members are immediately eligible for re-election. To retain continuity, part of the Council members each second year for a four-year period, so that in each biennium a share of the members are beginning a term while another share are in the middle of their term and have acquired experience. The Council normally meets in plenary session once every two years. Extraordinary sessions are convened under the conditions specified in the Statutes and Rules of Procedure.
IHP Council's Bureau
The election of the Bureau takes place during an extraordinary session of the Council, organized soon after the election of the Council members conducted during the ordinary session of the General Conference of UNESCO. The Council elects from amongst its Members, on the basis of equitable geographical representation of UNESCO’s six electoral regions and to the extent possible gender equality, a Chairperson and five Vice-Chairpersons, including a Rapporteur; these constitute the Council’s Bureau. The members of the Bureau remain in office until a new Bureau has been elected.
The IHP Bureau discharges, inter alia, the following duties:
- define, in consultation with the Secretariat, the dates of the sessions of the Council and of its committees and working groups, in accordance with the general guidelines of the Council;
- prepare the sessions of the Council, in consultation with the Secretariat;
- supervise the implementation of the resolutions of the Council, and report at each session of the Council, on the status of implementation of the prescribed phases of project execution and, in particular, follow the activities of the Council’s committees and working groups;
- prepare for the Council all requested by the General Conference of UNESCO;
- perform all other duties that may have been assigned by the Council.
Composition of the IHP Bureau (2024-2025)
Chairperson of the IHP Council:
Prof. Helmut Habersack
Group I, Western Europe and North America
Vice-Chairperson Group II, Eastern Europe:
Mr. Laszlo Balatonyi,
Vice-Chairperson Group III, Latin America and the Caribbean:
Mr. Carlos Alberto Luaces Socarras
Vice-Chairperson Group IV, Asia and the Pacific
Prof. Zhongbo Yu
Vice-Chairperson Group Va, Africa
Prof. Onemayin David JIMOH
Vice-Chairperson Group Vb, Arab States
Mr. Kamal El Yaalaoui