Information for site evaluators
UNESCO uses a unique procedure of field evaluation and revalidation missions to ensure that areas fulfil or keep on fulfilling the criteria of UNESCO Global Geoparks. UNESCO Global Geoparks are evaluated – both during the initial application and during revalidation – by an independent team composed of desk-top advisors and evaluators. As part of this process, field missions to assess each geopark are conducted by two evaluators with proven professional experience relevant to geopark development.
The evaluators are selected from the official "Roster of Evaluators." As per the and the Operational Guidelines for UNESCO Global Geoparks, UNESCO, in collaboration with the Global Geoparks Network (GGN), maintains this roster. These evaluators conduct field evaluations for new applications aspiring to become UNESCO Global Geoparks and revalidation missions for established UNESCO Global Geoparks, which are subject to a thorough revalidation process every four years.
The role of evaluators
UNESCO relies on the voluntary commitment and availability, often at short notice, of evaluators to travel to an assigned geopark located anywhere across the world. The role of evaluators is to:
- Evaluate applications, extensions, and revalidations based on strict UNESCO guidelines.
- Prepare reports for the UNESCO Global Geoparks Council on applications, extensions, and revalidations.
- Attend training and technical workshops.
- Contribute to setting general standards on UNESCO Global Geopark management and development.
Experts’ missions in numbers
Evaluators training course
This training course was co-organised by UNESCO and the Global Geoparks Network (GGN) to deepen evaluators’ understanding of the UNESCO Global Geoparks Statutes and Operational Guidelines. Through exploration of essential documents and procedures, participants gained insights into the field missions.
Evaluators training course
Evaluators and the geopark area to be evaluated or revalidated should follow the guidelines for UNESCO Global Geopark Field Inspection Missions, in order to properly prepare, organize and carry out the field inspection visits. A practical checklist that includes detailed information on the required procedures from prior, during and post mission, can be found in.
Pre-mission preparations: the dossiers are assigned and sent electronically to two selected evaluators. For revalidation missions the original application dossier, the previous field mission reports, and the current self-evaluation document are made available to the evaluators prior to the revalidation mission. A mission programme is drafted in consultation with the geopark and shared with the UNESCO Secretariat.
Post mission: evaluators must submit their mission report to the UNESCO Secretariat two weeks post completing the field inspection mission, to be reviewed by the Council. Evaluators do not have the final word on the outcome, however they are required to express their recommendation in their report to the UNESCO Global Geoparks Council. The Council meets in September each year, and their decisions are submitted to the UNESCO Executive Board for endorsement the following Spring.
Who can join the roster of evaluators?
The evaluators take note and respect the Statutes of the International Geoscience and Geoparks Programme, the Operational Guidelines for UNESCO Global Geoparks, the Terms of Reference, as well as the Guidelines for Field Inspection Missions for UNESCO Global Geoparks.
Evaluators must have combined and proven professional experience relevant for UNESCO Global Geoparks development (geological heritage, conservation, sustainable development, tourism development and promotion, and environmental issues). They must be ready to dedicate time to carry out the evaluation/revalidation missions and study a number of documents related to the UNESCO Global Geopark applications and revalidations. A good knowledge of English, and ability to understand and speak it fluently, is required. A good knowledge of other UN official languages is considered an asset.
Call for evaluators
Deadline for applications: 15 April 2024