Tuesday 9 November 2021
Welcome to the 41st session of the UNESCO General Conference!
UNESCO celebrates this year its 75th anniversary. In the face of unprecedented challenges to our societies, from climate change and pandemics to mass migration and Artificial Intelligence, the mission of our cherished Organization, Building peace in the minds of men and women, appears today more relevant than ever.
In this regard, the 41st Session of the General Conference provides a unique opportunity to take stock of UNESCO’s enduring achievements and to highlight where our Organization needs to redouble its efforts. This session will be especially important in shaping the future of UNESCO as Member States will elect the Director-General for the coming four years and approve the Organization’s Mid-term strategy for 2022-2029.
This e-journal offers an overview of all the special meetings and side events, dates of elections and ceremonies, which will take place throughout the session.
In order to get more detailed information, we kindly invite you to visit the website of the General Conference every day: you will be able to get all the information related to its work, find electronic access to documents and statements; list of speakers, who is who; FAQ; etc. In our webpage you will also find the e-journal with the daily agenda of the work of the Commissions and Committees, summaries of debates as well as information on official visits and exhibitions.
The agenda and the programme of the meetings will also appear on the screens located in the main Halls of Fontenoy and Bonvin buildings and next to the meeting rooms of the commissions and committees.
We are very pleased to receive you despite the challenges imposed by the Coronavirus pandemic. Your presence testifies to your strong commitment to the ideals of UNESCO. To ensure the success of this General Conference, we invite you to read and respect the special health measures that you find in the dedicated webpage. This will enable all of us to work together safely, reduce risks from the virus and enjoy the coming weeks.
This year the team of the Delegates’ Information Bureau is located in the Hall Miró (ext. 85277). We shall assist you during the course of the session, should you need any information on the programme of meetings and events, including updates and changes of schedule.
We wish you a healthy and inspiring session.
Rossella Salvia
Delegates’ Information Bureau
Today Programme of meetings
Time | Organ | Room |
10 am | Plenary | I |
Item 1.1: Item 1.3: Item 1.6: Item 15.1 :Item 1.4 | ||
10:30 am | Nominations Committee | II |
Item1.4 | ||
Noon | Legal Committee | IX |
Election of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson(s) and Rapporteur | ||
Adoption of the timetable | ||
Examination of credentials | ||
Item 4.1: Item 7.1: Item 7.2: Item 7.3: Item 7.4: Item 9.1: Item 9.2: Item 9.3: Item 9.4 | ||
3 pm | Plenary | I |
Item 13.1 | ||
Introduction to the General Policy Debate |
Live Webcast
Today - Highlights
10 am - Room I
The 41st session of the General Conference will be opened in a formal ceremony by H.E. Mr Ahmet Altay Cengizer, Ambassador, Permanent
Delegate of Turkey to UNESCO and President of the 40th session of the General Conference.
The election to the Presidency of the 41st session of the General Conference will be held in the same morning at around 11:30. The second plenary session will take place at 15:00 in Room I with the election related to the appointment of the Director-General, followed by the introduction by the Chairperson of the Executive Board, H.E. Mr Agapito Mba Mokuy and the Director-General to the General Policy Debate.
The investiture ceremony of the Director-General will be held in a special plenary meeting on Monday, 22 November 2021, in the afternoon.
75th anniversary
12 November 2021
to celebrate UNESCO's 75th anniversary. More than 20 Heads of State have already confirmed their participation in the special ceremony to be held on Friday in Room 1, starting at 4:00 p.m., in the presence of several artists, including Forest Whitaker, Renaud Capuçon, Angelique Kidjo, Aryana Sayeed, Farrah el Dibany, the group Joussour, Ray Lema and Laurent de Wilde. Several exceptional guests and artists will also be present via video. The ceremony, organized in partnership with CNN and France Media Monde, will be streamed in Room 2 and live on UNESCO's website and social networks.
A number of other activities are organized on the occasion of UNESCO's 75th anniversary:
- Exhibition "UNESCO's Adventure", on the fences and in the Fontenoy building (from November 9)
- Monumental projection of photographs by Sebastiao Salgado and a video by artist Jennifer Douzenel in the garden (from November 12)
- Launch of a series of podcasts in partnership with RFI on the ""
- Campaign on social networks to elect the most emblematic photos of UNESCO's history.
Find all the testimonies received for the 75th anniversary, the program and the registration forms for the evening of November 12 on the dedicated website.
8th Interregional Meeting of National Commissions for UNESCO in conjunction with the 41st session of the General Conference of UNESCO
This Interregional Meeting was an opportunity to explore key goals of the upcoming 41st General Conference and discuss the follow-up of the recommendations of the 7th Interregional Meeting of National Commissions. We were also pleased to launch, during this Interregional Meeting, the publication prepared on the occasion of UNESCO’s 75th anniversary and we thank you for your precious contribution to this important publication.
In addition, the 8th Interregional Meeting was an opportunity for National Commissions to briefly share with us their respective activities and initiatives related to the celebration of UNESCO's 75th anniversary.
Practical information
Welcome to the General Conference website. Please note that this will be the main and only tool to access information. Here you will find all the necessary information about meetings, side events, rooms, etc.
Please note that it is necessary to scroll down the pages to find all information.
Moreover, event information will be displayed on the UNESCO screens and a QR code will be provided, which is advised to use to access further information and links.
We welcome you to the 41st session of the General Conference and look forward to a fruitful session #unescoGC #unesco75 #OurWorldOurHumanity
Do not forget to use these hashtags on your social media, and let’s spread the word to the world together!