Legal Committee - Agenda

Last update:20 April 2023

15 November 2021 - Fifth Meeting

3 p.m.LEG CommitteeIX
Examination and adoption of the draft reports of the Legal Committee (agenda items: 4.1, 5.5, 5.11, 5.12, 6.2, 7.1, 7.2, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4 and 11.1)

10 November 2021 - Fourth Meeting

3 p.m.LEG CommitteeIX
Pursuant to the recommendation of the First meeting of the Bureau of the General Conference, the Committee considered Item 5.5 - Revised Statutes of the International Bureau of Education (IBE) (document 41 C/19)
Item 7.2 - Draft amendment to Article V of the Constitution (document 41 C/31)

10 November 2021 - Third Meeting

10 a.m.LEG CommitteeIX
Item 5.12 - Revision of the Terms of Reference of the Oversight Advisory Committee
(OAC) (document 41 C/21)
Item 5.11 - Revision of the Statutes of the International Programme for the Development of
Communication (IPDC) (document 41 C/25)
Item 11.1 - Staff Regulations and Staff Rules (document 41 C/43)
Item 6.2 Follow-up to 39 C/Resolution 87 and prospects for UNESCO鈥檚 conventions in the field of culture (document 41 C/55)

9 November 2021 - Second Meeting

3 p.m. Legal CommitteeIX
Item 4.1 Consideration and adoption of the Draft Programme and Budget for 2022-2025 (Documents 41 C/5 and Addenda)
Item 9.1 Summary of reports received from Member States on the measures taken to implement the 1960 Convention and Recommendation against Discrimination in Education (document 41 C/33)
Item 9.2 Consolidated report on the implementation by Member States of the 1974
Recommendation concerning Education for International Understanding
Cooperation and Peace and Education relating to Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (document 41 C/34)
Item 9.3 Consolidated report on implementation of the 1978 revised recommendation concerning the International Standardization of Educational Statistics (document 41 C/35)
Item 9.4 Consolidated report on implementation of the 1978 Recommendation on Science and Scientific Researchers (document 41 C/36)
Item 7.1 Administrative Tribunal: extension of its period of jurisdiction (document41 C/30 and Addendum)

9 November 2021 - First Meeting

Noon Legal CommitteeIX
Election of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Rapporteur
Adoption of the timetable
Examination of credentials
Item 4.1 Consideration and adoption of the Draft Programme and Budget for 2022-2025 (documents 41 C/5 and Addenda)
Item 7.1 Administrative Tribunal: extension of its period of jurisdiction (document 41 C/30 and Addendum)
Item 7.2 Draft amendment to Article V of the Constitution (document 41 C/31 )
Item 7.3 Draft amendment to Article VI, paragraph 2 of the Constitution (document 41 C/32)
Item 7.4 Draft amendment to Rule 4 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Conference (document 41 C/65)
Item 9.1 Summary of reports received from Member States on the measures taken to implement the 1960 Convention and Recommendation against Discrimination in Education (document 41 C/33)
Item 9.2 Consolidated report on the implementation by Member States of the 1974 Recommendation concerning Education for International Understanding, Cooperation and Peace and Education relating to Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (document 41 C/34)
Item 9.3 Consolidated report on implementation of the 1978 revised recommendation concerning the International Standardization of Educational Statistics (document 41 C/35)
Item 9.4 Consolidated report on implementation of the 2017 Recommendation on Science and Scientific Researchers (document 41 C/36)