Wednesday 10 November
The General Conference of UNESCO, at its 41st session, has elected Ms Audrey Azoulay, for a second mandate, as Director-General of the Organization, with the overwhelming support of 155 votes out of a total of 169 ballots cast, by Member States of UNESCO.
Today Programme of meetings
Time | Organ | Room |
9 am | Bureau | X |
10 am | Plenary | I |
General Policy Debate | ||
10 am | Joint Meeting of Commissions | II |
Item 3.1 | Item 4.3 | |
10 am | NOM Committee | IV |
Item 1.4 | Item 14.1 | Item 14.2-14.15 |
10 am | Legal Committee | IX |
3 pm | Plenary | I |
General Policy Debate | ||
3 pm | APX Commission | XI |
Item 1.2: Item 4.1 | ||
3 pm | Legal Committee | IX |
Continued | ||
3 pm | Education Commission | II |
Ministerial Meeting |
Live Webcast
The event ‘Indigenous knowledge in the Pacific Islands and the Decade of the Ocean’ will take place from 07:00 to 08:00, (Zoom Passcode: 461468). It will comprise a round table and a presentation addressing: How to value traditional knowledge in the framework of the Decade of Ocean Sciences; Ancestral voyaging knowledge of women and men in the Pacific as a key resource for achieving SDGs; Building resilience and enhancing Ocean knowledge in the context of the UN Ocean Decade.
The high-level session ‘Investing in partnership for education: Lebanon 5 Year Education Plan’ will take place from 08:00 to 09:30 at UNESCO’s Restaurant on the 7th floor, by invitation only. It aims to generate high political momentum and mobilize technical and political support towards a more resilient education system in Lebanon; mobilize international resources and partnerships aligned towards the achievement of the 5YP; highlight the strategic and upstream institutional role of UNESCO as the trusted partner of choice in in ensuring the implementation of the 5YP.
This launch event of the will take place from 13:30 – 14:30 in room I and online. The event will present the key ideas and recommendations of the new flagship report Reimagining our futures together: a new social contract for education to Member States and kick off the mobilization of the global education community and UNESCO strategic partners to take forward the global debate and action on the futures of education.
UNESCO will co-host, with the Government of France, the : Invest now for the recovery and the futures of education from 14:30 to 18:00 in Room II and online. This event aims to galvanize political commitments to raise the profile of and investment in education, as a catalytic driver for the world’s COVID-19 recovery, acceleration of the Education 2030 agenda and the futures of education.
The Global Teacher Prize Ceremony of the Varkey Foundation will be awarded from 19:00 to 20:00 in Room I and online. This Prize rewards one exceptional teacher who has made an outstanding contribution to the profession and shines a spotlight on the important role teachers play in society. More information on the Prize can be found .
The (by invitation only) will take place 8:00- 9:30, 7th-floor restaurant, bringing together Education Ministers and representatives from 26 CapED beneficiary countries and donors supporting UNESCO’s CAP ED programme. The meeting will focus on lessons learned from the COVID-19 education response in the areas supported by the Programme and serve as a platform for participants to share good practices and common challenges.
Co-hosted by UNESCO and Sweden, an event titled will take place 14:00-15:00 in Room X and online, highlighting education’s positive and transformative effects for health and well-being. This event will explore the main health and well-being challenges children and young people face, the recommended approach to school health, and UNESCO’s role in driving forward comprehensive sexuality education and safe school environments.
The Bureau of Human Resources Management (HRM) will offer an opportunity for delegates participating in the General Conference to interact with HR officers to get a better understanding of the profile of candidates UNESCO is looking for, how to submit an application and prepare for a competencies-based interview. During this briefing taking place from 14:00 – 15:00 in Hall Saxe (in front of the bank), HRM will offer a presentation on the different types of talent programmes (Loans and Secondments, Junior Professional Officer (JPO) Programme, sponsored trainees, etc..) that are implemented in partnership with Member States, academic, civil society and private sector entities. This information session will take place in English. Another information session in French will take place Friday 19 November 2021 in French at 14:00 – 15:00 in Hall Saxe.
Two years after the adoption of the , this event co-organized by the Governments of Norway, Tunisia and the United Kingdom in cooperation with UNESCO at 18:00 - 19:00 in Room X will renew momentum around this global treaty and support Member States’ efforts to both ratify and implement it. The event will highlight the key benefits of joining the Global Convention, including facilitating the recognition of qualifications and the mobility and circulation of knowledge and research between countries.
will take place 18:30 – 19:00 in Room I (Webcast available). This Prize recognises and rewards exceptional initiatives of an entity that supports business skills development for young people in the field of the creative economy. More information on the Prize can be found .
The opening of the 41st session of the General Conference was inaugurated in a formal ceremony by H.E. Mr Ahmet Altay Cengizer, Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of Turkey to UNESCO and President of the 40th session of the General Conference. During this session, the agenda of the 41st General Conference was adopted and H.E. Mr Santiago Irazabal Mourao, Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of Brazil was elected as President of the 41st session of the General Conference. H.E. Mr Agapito Mba Mokuy, Chairperson of the Executive Board and the Director-General introduced the General Policy Debate.
- At the first meeting of the Nominations Committee (NOM) H.E. Ms Tamara Rastovac Siamashvili, Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of Serbia to UNESCO, was elected as Chairperson of the Committee and H.E. Ms Maria Lorena Sol de Pool, Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of EI Salvador, as Vice-Chairperson.
The first meeting of the Legal Committee (LEG) proceeded to the election of its Chairperson Mr Pierre Michel Eisemann of France, Vice-Chairperson, H.E. Ms Marcela Miriam Losardo of Argentina and Rapporteur, Mr Nadim Souraty of Lebanon. The Committee adopted its timetable and examined the credentials of the delegations for the 41st session of the General Conference. In its second meeting in the afternoon, the LEG examined Items 4.1, 9.1 to 9.4 and 7.1.
Practical information
On the occasion of the 41st session of the General Conference, you will be able to discover a unique space where you will have access to all of the session's videos and photos.
Visit our Multimedia page to learn more about it.
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