Ethics of AI and integrity of information
• Ethics of artificial intelligence
• Information integrity
Ethics of artificial intelligence
In November 2021, UNESCO's General Conference adopted the , the first and only global framework in this field. UNESCO stands ready to leverage the work related to the implementation of this Recommendation and its readiness assessment work to contribute to ensuring that AI systems are designed and used for the good of societies and democracies, that they respect individuals and promote inclusive economic growth while preserving the environment, priorities of the Brazilian Presidency.
The (RAM) has provided UNESCO with knowledge and experience on how to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis of AI readiness, which will therefore help the Brazilian presidency. UNESCO will enable G20 members to assess the willingness of governments to develop and use AI.
UNESCO will also provide the G20 with a summary of good practices leveraging AI to deliver public services. This report will include each country's perspectives (gathered through a survey), including the opportunities of AI adoption for public services, the challenges of its adoption for public service delivery, AI capabilities and existing measurement tools to monitor and evaluate AI adoption by the public sector.
UNESCO will co-organize an event in Brasilia, entitled "AI Seminar to foster inclusive societies and sustainable development". The event will be multi-stakeholder and will focus on the challenges of the uneven distribution of AI assets and infrastructure globally, and how to equip governments with the necessary capabilities and tools.
Information integrity
UNESCO is a leader in promoting the safeguarding of information as a public good, as recognized in the Windhoek +30 Declaration. The Government of Brazil has recognized UNESCO's added value in responding to misinformation and disinformation, as well as the relevance of as a unique, global and multi-stakeholder tool for protecting freedom of expression and access to reliable information online.
UNESCO will undertake a mapping exercise on the state of information integrity (problems, solutions, and good practices in information integrity). This exercise will build on that already undertaken for the "Internet for Trust" process, incorporating the main updates since 2022.
Our Organization will also provide a briefing note on potential policies to address the key issues that stand in the way of ensuring information integrity.
Finally, we will be co-organizing an international seminar on the subject (30 April and 1st May 2024).