General Rules and Regulations

Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize
Last update:11 May 2023

Article 1: Purpose

  • 1.1 To pay tribute to the action of President Félix Houphouët-Boigny for peace in the world, one hundred and twenty (120) countries sponsored, in 1989, a resolution adopted unanimously by the Member States of UNESCO to establish an international prize for the pursuit of peace.
  • 1.2 The Prize is intended to honour living individuals and active public or private institutions or bodies that have made a significant contribution to promoting, seeking, safeguarding or maintaining peace in conformity with the Charter of the United Nations and the Constitution of UNESCO. 

Article 2: The Prize

  • 2.1 The Prize shall be entitled "Félix Houphouët-Boigny-UNESCO Peace Prize".
  • 2.2 The Prize shall have a lifespan of six years, which shall be renewable. 
  • 2.3 The value of the Prize shall be $150,000. 
  • 2.4 The Prize shall be financed by the interest earned on the capital constituted by the initial endowment received from President Félix Houphouët-Boigny through the Félix Houphouët-Boigny Foundation for Peace, Yamoussoukro. In the event that the interest earned is insufficient to cover all expenses pertaining to the Prize, the financing of the activities of the Prize will be conducted on the capital, on an exceptional basis, in accordance with the modalities to be defined between UNESCO and the stakeholders/ i.e. the Sponsor, the Patron and the State of Côte d'Ivoire.
  • 2.5 The full staff support and operating/management costs of the Prize, including ail costs relating to the award ceremony and public information activities shall be fully covered by the funds dedicated to the Félix Houphouët-Boigny-UNESCO Peace Prize. To this end/ the Director-General shall determine a mandatory overhead cost amount to be applied and charged against the funds in the Special Account, which is to be established under the Financial Regulations of the Prize.
  • 2.6 A permanent senior assistant financed by the funds dedicated to the Prize will assist the Assistant Director-General for the Africa Department in the administration, operating activities and management of the Prize.
  • 2.7 The Prize shall be warded once every two years. To the extent possible, the Prize ceremony shall be held alternately at UNESCO Headquarters and at any other place.  
  • 2.8 If several prizewinners are designated, the amount of the Prize shall be shared out equally among them. The Prize may not be awarded to more than three individuals, entities and/or organizations at a time.
  • 2.9 Mr Abdou Diouf, former President of the Republic of Senegal, and Mr Henri Konan Bédié, former President of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, were appointed respectively Sponsor of the Prize and Patron of the Prize intuitu personae by President Félix Houphouët-Boigny, who had chosen them as representatives who could act in his name. In the event of impediment or incapacity, the Sponsor of the Prize shall appoint a successor and, if unable to do so, his/her replacement shall be appointed by the Patron of the Prize in agreement with the Director-General. 
  • 2.10 The State of Côte d'Ivoire arts as guarantor of the sustainability of the Prize by participating in its visibility and funding directly or indirectly through the Félix Houphouët-Boigny Foundation for Peace. 

Article 3: Conditions/qualifications of candidates

Candidates must have made an important contribution to the pursuit of peace and the promotion of a culture of peace in their respective fields. Prizes may be conferred upon individuals, institutions, other entities or non-governmental organizations.

Article 4: Selection of the prizewinner(s)

The prizewinner(s) shall be selected by the Director-General of UNESCO on the basis of the assessments and recommendations made to him/her by an international jury.

Article 5: Jury

  • 5.1 The jury shall be formed of eminent persons of international repute who are known and respected for their attachment to the cause of peace.
  • 5.2 The jury shall consist of six members, with consideration for equitable geographical distribution, gender equality and the principle of non-payment of honoraria. Members shall be appointed for periods of two years, with a possibility of renewal for a period not exceeding six years, by the Director-General, in consultation with stakeholders. Representatives and alternates of Members of the Executive Board cannot be appointed as jurors. Jurors involved in a real or potential conflict of interest shall recuse themselves from further deliberations or be asked by the Director-General to do so. The Director-General may replace members of the jury for a legitimate reason.
  • 5.3 The jury thus appointed to award the Félix Houphouët-Boigny - UNESCO Peace Prize shall, by virtue of the calibre of its members and of the prizewinners selected by it, be one of the most authoritative international peace-prize panels. The representative of the Director-General of UNESCO and stakeholders shall serve on the panel without voting rights.
  • 5.4 The jury shall elect its own chairperson and deputy chairperson. Members shall receive no remuneration for their work, but will receive allowances for travel and accommodation, where required. A quorum of four will be required for jury deliberations to proceed. The working languages for deliberations by the jury shall be English and French.
  • 5.5 The jury shall conduct its business and deliberations in conformity with these Statutes, and shall be assisted in the performance of its task by the representative of the Director-General. Decisions shall be taken by consensus to the extent possible, and otherwise by secret ballot until a simple majority is obtained. A member shall not take part in a vote concerning a nomination from his or her country. 
  • 5.6 The jury shall meet once every two years at UNESCO Headquarters and may decide independently to hold its meetings in a country other than that of UNESCO Headquarters.
  • 5.7 The jury shall send an assessment of nominations and accompanying recommendations on the choice of prize winners to the Director-General of UNESCO no later than 31 March of each year in which the Prize is to be awarded.

Article 6: Candidates

  • 6.1 The Director-General shall officially invite on 30 November of the year preceding the year of the award of the Prize by circular letter ail Member States in consultation with their National Commissions for UNESCO and nongovernmental organizations maintaining official partnerships with UNESCO to submit nominations.
  • 6.2 In addition to the above-mentioned Member States and non-governmental organizations, the following may submit nominations:

(i) previous winners of the Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize; 

(ii) academies or academicians;

(iii) centres and foundations specializing in areas relating to the search for peace;

(iv) institutes of international law;

(v) members of the International Court of Justice;

(vi) members of parliaments and governments;

(vii) associations or organizations working to promote peace, human rights and the spread of democratic values in the world, with due respect for the Constitution of UNESCO and the Charter of the United Nations.

(viii) university rectors and university professors of history, political sciences and law;

(IX) Nobel laureates. 

  • 6.3 Each nomination shall be accompanied by a written recommendation, which shall include/ in English or French, inter alia:

(a) a description of the candidate's background and achievements; 

(b) a summary of the work or the results of the work, publications and other supporting documents of major importance, submitted for consideration;

(C) a definition of the candidate's contribution to the Prize's objectives.

  • 6.4 The Prize shall be presented officially at a date fixed in agreement with the Director-General, the prizewinner(s), the jury and relevant stakeholders. If a prizewinner dies between the announcement of the award and the presentation of the Prize, the amount of the Prize shall be presented to the heirs and assigns. 
  • 6.5 No appeals shall be allowed against the decision of UNESCO with regard to the award of the Prize. Proposals received for the award of the Prize may not be divulged. 

Article 7: Procedure for the awarding of the Prize

  • 7.1 The Prize shall be presented at an official ceremony to be held at UNESCO Headquarters, or at any other place proposed by relevant stakeholders, it being understood that the final decision shall be made by the Director-General.
  • 7.2 If work being rewarded has been produced by two or three persons, the Prize shall be awarded to them jointly. In no case may a Prize amount be divided between more than three persons.
  • 7.3 The prizewinner(s), if possible, shall give a lecture on a subject relevant to the work for which the Prize has been awarded. Such a lecture shall be organized during or in connection with the Prize ceremony. 
  • 7.4 The work produced by a person since deceased shall not be considered for a Prize. If, however, a prizewinner dies before he has received the Prize, then the Prize may be presented posthumously [awarded to relatives or institution].
  • 7.5 Should a prizewinner decline the Prize, the jury shall submit a new proposal to the Director-General.

Article 8: Official ceremony

  • 8.1 The Director-General may invite any person, institution or association whose presence would add lustre to the ceremony.
  • 8.2 Protocol shall be strictly observed during the ceremony.

Article 9: International Commission for Peace Research

  • 9.1 The International Commission for Peace Research set up to promote the defence of world peace, and to ensure intellectual monitoring of activities relating to the Prize, is under the responsibility of the Félix Houphouët-Boigny Foundation for Peace. 
  • 9.2 In collaboration with UNESCO, the Félix Houphouët-Boigny Foundation for Peace will be responsible for facilitating meetings and events between the Foundation and former prizewinners and for developing promotional and profile-enhancing activities for the Prize.
  • 9.3 The Commission shall meet at least once a year in order to reflect on the promotion of peace and democracy throughout the world. 
  • 9.4 It shall make recommendations to the Director-General with a view to strengthening peace, international cooperation and dialogue among civilizations. It shall call upon experts from all regions of the world.
  • 9.5 It shall consist of 12 (at the most) dignitaries unanimously respected for their experience of international relations and their commitment to peace. They shall be appointed intuitu personae by the Director-General of UNESCO on the proposal of the Chairperson of the jury of the Prize who shall also be Chairperson of the Commission. 

Article 10: Modification of the Statutes of the Prize

Any amendment to these General Regulations shall be submitted to the Executive Board for approval on the proposal of the Director-General, in agreement with the relevant stakeholders.

Article 11: Sunset clause – Mandatory Renewal of the Prize

  • 11.1 Six months prior to the agreed term of the Prize, the Director-General of UNESCO shall request an external evaluation of the Prize. In the light of the conclusions, it shall inform stakeholders and transmit the results to the Executive Board for decision. 
  • 11.2 In case of termination of the Prize, any unused balance of funds shall be refunded to the donor(s) unless otherwise agreed.