
Last update:11 May 2023

Nomination procedure


Who can present or propose a candidature?

Member States of UNESCO

in consultation with their National Commissions for UNESCO

NGOs with an official partnership with UNESCO

and in line with the purpose of the Prize.

Former laureates

of the Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize

Academies or academicians
Centres and foundations

specializing in areas relating to the search for peace

Institutes of international law
Members of the International Court of Justice
Members of parliaments and governments
Associations or organizations

working to promote peace, human rights and the spread of democratic values in the world, with due respect for the Constitution of UNESCO and the Charter of the United Nations

University rectors and university professors

of history, political sciences and law

Nobel laureates

What should the application contain?

Each application, written in French or English, must include:

  • a completed application form;
  • a letter of application presentation;
  • written recommendation(s);
  • a biographical note of the candidate or a historical presentation for institutions or organisations;
  • a summary of the work or findings of the work, publications and other relevant documents of major importance, submitted for the jury's consideration;
  • justification of the candidate's theoretical and/or practical contributions to the significant advancement of the cause of peace over several years, contributions that are internationally recognized and appreciated.

How to submit/address an application?

Applications must be submitted by the deadline specified in the Executive Director's circular letter issuing the call for applications.

An exclusive online application procedure has been set up.

Please refer to the procedure communicated by the secretariat for each edition of the Prize. 

The submission of an application by postal mail must have been expressly authorized by the Secretariat of the Prize; therefore, the complete file to be received must be in nine (9) paper copies or contained on nine (9) digital media (Flash Drive USB).

How are applications evaluated?

The Secretariat shall review all nominations received by the deadline. Eligible nominations are forwarded to the International Jury of the Prize.

The International Jury meets and conducts its work and deliberations in accordance with the Statutes (assisted by the representative of the Director-General of UNESCO, the stakeholders and a rapporteur, who serve without the right to vote). Decisions are taken by consensus or by secret ballot until a simple majority is reached.

The Jury shall submit to the Director-General of UNESCO an evaluation of the nominations, together with recommendations on the selection of the prizewinner(s).

The Director-General of UNESCO shall select the laureate(s) of the Prize on the basis of the recommendation of the International Jury following its evaluation of the nominations (Article 4).