Cultural and creative Industries
Learning on Culture in Emergencies
Artists and cultural professionals’ creative expressions can serve to foster public democratic debate, social transformation, economic development and peacebuilding, even in cases where they do not purposedly seek to advance a specific cause through their work. In emergency situations, artists and cultural professionals face additional risks than those impacting on other civilians, due to their work and their identification as artists and cultural professionals.
Capacity building for the cultural and creative industries thus entails:
- sensitization of Governments for the implementation of structural changes in the cultural and creative industries and guide them through the participatory elaboration of effective regulatory frameworks that recognize and protect the status of the artist and thus reduce their vulnerability in crises situations;
- sensitization of Governments and civil society organizations on how and why artists can be at risk in emergency situations in order to push for the recognition of artists as a vulnerable group to be prioritized in protection programmes implemented during emergencies, including humanitarian evacuations.
- awareness-raising of artists and cultural professionals on the mechanisms that exist for their protection at the national and international levels, in order to enable them to activate them.
Defending creative voices: artists in emergencies, learning from the safety of journalists
Publication supported by the UNESCO-Aschberg programme for artists and cultural professionals and by the UNESCO Multi-Donor Programme on Freedom of Expression and Safety of journalists.
Culture in crisis: policy guide for a resilient creative sector
Publication supported by the Republic of Korea's Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.
Methodological guide for the participatory development of a law on the status of the artist