UNESCO education databases and tools
Last update:12 April 2024
Right to education
- HerAtlas, Interactive Atlas of girls’ and women’s right to education, conceived as a monitoring and advocacy tool, aims to enhance public knowledge of the status of national constitutions, legislation and regulations related to girls’ and women’s education rights.
Literacy and lifelong learning
- compiles effective adult literacy and numeracy programmes from around the world.
- lists abstracts and full-text links to laws, policies, strategies and plans on lifelong learning from UNESCO Member States and intergovernmental organizations.
- documents recent Recognition, Validation and Accreditation (RVA) developments that aim to contribute to policy and practice in UNESCO Member States as part of UNESCO’s commitment to promoting lifelong learning for all.
Policy, planning and management
- is as a single entry portal to education plans and policies from UNESCO Member States maintained by the UNESCO
- collects and reports data on schools, students, teachers and staff, is a royalty-free system and can be customized to meet the specific needs of member countries.
- provides a resource platform on ethics and corruption in education maintained by UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning.
- provides a single window to comprehensive, up-to-date, relevant, and neutral information on learning issues, from primary through secondary education.
Education statistics
- provides access to data compiled by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS)
Monitoring progress on education
- aims to describe all countries’ laws and policies on key themes in education so as to improve the evidence base on the implementation of national education strategies.
- summarizes the key facts and trends in education around the world through five themes: access, equity, learning, quality and finance.
- provides estimates of two flagship indicators: out-of-school and completion rates.
- highlights the powerful influence of circumstances, such as wealth, gender, ethnicity and location, over which people have little control but which play an important role in shaping their opportunities for education and life
Accelerating progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 4
- The Knowledge hub on Sustainable Development Goal 4 provides country overviews as well as resources and good practices contributing to the progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 4.
Early childhood care and education
Global compendium of early childhood care and education promising practices, providing access to impactful public policies, innovative programmes and field-tested innovations in early childhood care and education.
Technical and vocational education and training
- contains key descriptive information about TVET around the world.
- presents a selection of effective and innovative programmes and initiatives around the world.
- is an online resource center for TVET experts, practitioners and students with specialized publications.
Lifelong learning
- catalogues publications from UNESCO’s International Bureau of Education
- compiles national reports presented by Member States during international education conferences
Inclusion in education
- : this date base developed with the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education gathers case studies on interesting practices around the world and resources on a wide range of topics relating to inclusive education.
Global citizenship education
- , hosted by UNESCO Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding, offers a wide range of UNESCO on Global Citizenship Education.
Education for sustainable development
- Education for sustainable development for 2030 toolbox provides an evolving set of selected resources to support Member States, regional and global stakeholders to develop activities in the five priority action areas of .
HIV and health education
- is a resource library and information exchange to support ministries of education, development agencies, civil society, researchers and other partners, to develop effective HIV and AIDS, school health and sexuality education.