'Acompáñame a Crecer': Guatemala's Early Childhood Education Programme for Comprehensive Development

Executive Summary

The Ministry of Education of Guatemala, with the support of UNICEF, has created the early childhood education programme ´Acompáñame a Crecer´ to fulfill the state´s obligation to provide education for all citizens. Recognizing the importance of early childhood development, particularly the significant brain development that occurs in the first few years of life, the programme aims to promote the early childhood development of children from conception to four years old. It ensures that children enjoy their basic rights while respecting the country´s cultural and linguistic diversity.´Acompáñame a Crecer´ serves children aged zero to four and their families, with the involvement of the community, leaders, organizations, and institutions providing education, health, nutrition, and protection services. The programme emphasizes intersectoral and community support.To offer a comprehensive programme, the Governmental Agreement No. 239-2020 was established, defining interinstitutional coordination between the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare, Ministry of Social Development, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, and the Food and Nutritional Security Secretariat of the Presidential Office. These institutions work together to fulfill the programme´s objectives and components: Early Learning, Health and Hygiene, Nutrition and Food Security, Protection and Safety, and Understanding and Commitment.

Children's age group
Ministry / Service / Organization in charge
Ministry of Education
Themes of the WCECCE


The programme, implemented in five municipalities in Guatemala, targets areas with high poverty, malnutrition, and limited educational coverage for early childhood. The Ministry of Education receives a budget from the state for programme operations. The implementation includes awareness-raising with local authorities, organizations, and communities. The programme focuses on community organization, institutional and community strengthening, establishing Integrated Child Development Community Centers (CECODII), and monitoring and evaluation. A governmental agreement ensures comprehensive care through the allocation of resources by multiple state entities in areas such as early learning, health, nutrition, safety, and protection. The programme offers individual care for children aged 0 to 2 through home visits or individual appointments with trained community educators, and group care for children aged 2 to 4 guided by community educators at CECODII centers. The programme also supports pregnant women and lactating mothers with learning sessions and care guides for different developmental stages.

Stakeholders and partners involved

27,680 children aged 0 to 4 and their families benefit from the programme, with a projected number of 30,888 by the end of the year. The programme is implemented in five municipalities, with plans to expand to three more by 2023. It focuses on children aged 0 to 4 and their families, prioritizing those in poverty and malnutrition. Entities involved include various government ministries and the presidential office, along with support from private entities, municipalities, and international organizations.


The ´Acompáñame a Crecer´ programme has been implemented for 3 years and has made positive impacts on children, families, and communities. Children have shown improved autonomy, confidence, and security, while families have experienced changes in parenting patterns and stronger attachment through caring support. The programme has also increased community participation and awareness of the importance of comprehensive child care. Itinerant community education managers are equipped with the programme.

EDP001- Guatemala


Empowering Communities: Holistic Child Development through Community-Led Implementation

The involvement of families, communities, and local leaders in programme implementation. Intersectoral work at the national, departmental, and local levels, through various actions, promotes holistic child development


Actions have been taken to expand programme coverage, including the creation of the Coverage Expansion Strategy. This strategy allows other entities to implement the programme through public, private, and municipal management. The School Feeding Law (Decree No.16-2017) aims to improve the nutritional status of students by promoting healthy eating and expanding the school feeding programme to children aged 0 to 4, starting in 2023.

Community Engagement fosters Awareness, Volunteer Participation, and Effective Intersectoral Cooperation, leading to the Successful Implementation and Expansion of the Programme

Awareness and promotion of the programme lead to community involvement and volunteer participation. Effective leadership strengthens community educators and supports their work. Coordinator commitment is crucial for successful implementation. High-level and technical working groups are essential for intersectoral cooperation and comprehensive care. Involving private entities and international organizations expands programme coverage.