World Press Freedom Day 2024 - 2 -4 May events

Side Events taking place on 2 and 4 May
Last update:14 May 2024

More than 40 side events organized by partners will take place on May 2-4. Join compelling panels delving into the growing threats faced by reporters uncovering environmental crimes. Engage with leading investigative journalists, reporters, photojournalists, press freedom and legal experts and more. Join the film screenings and the interactive sessions prepared for you. 

Click on the links for more information about the events. More information will be available soon.

2 May


4 May

Venue: Centro Cultural Gabriela Mistral


9:00 - 10:00

  • Organized by Media Defence | Room A2
  • Organized by the World Bank | Room C2


9:00 - 10:30

  • Organized by IPANDETEC, Access Now, Global Witness | Room C1


9:00 - 11:00

  • Organized by JournalismFund Europe, Justice for Journalists | Room A1
  • Percepci贸n de los periodistas sobre la situaci贸n de la libertad de expresi贸n y de prensa en Chile. Organized by Colegio de Periodistas de Chile y Universidad de los Andes  | Room N2


9:00 - 13:30

  • . Organized by Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD),Centre for International Media Assistance (CIMA),Media Freedom Coalition (MFC) Media Development Working Group, UNESCO鈥檚 International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC) |  BiblioGAM


10:00 - 11:00

  • Organized by OHCHR |  Room A2
  • Las deudas de la democracia con la libertad de expresi贸n en Chile: propuestas de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil. Organized by Coalici贸n por el Fortalecimiento de la Libertad de Expresi贸n en Chile |  Room C2


10:30 - 12:30

  • Sustentabilidad de los Medios de Comunicaci贸n y su papel en la defensa de la Libertad de Prensa y el Periodismo ante la Crisis Ambiental. Organized by Asociaci贸n Internacional de Radiodifusi贸n (AIR) |  Room C1


11:00 鈥 12:00

  • Disarming Disinformation: How leading international editors are responding to information pollution in a pivotal year for democracy and the planet. Organized by International Center for Journalists |  Room A1
  • Organized by Freedom Online Coalition  |  Room A2
  • Protecci贸n de periodistas y personas trabajadoras de las comunicaciones: estrategias para avanzar hacia mecanismos de seguridad para la labor informative. Organized by Colegio de Periodistas de Chile  |  Room N2


11:00 鈥 12:30

  • Disinformation and other risks of covering environmental crimes in the Amazon. Organized by CPJ, APC, Intervozes |  Room C2


12:30 鈥 14:00

  • Organized by Permanent Delegation of Denmark to UNESCO |  Room A1


12:00 鈥 13:30

  • New data and latest trends in attacks against journalists covering the environment. Organized by UNESCO |  Room A2
  • Iniciativa latinoamericana "M谩s poder a las personas. Menos poder de las grandes plataformas digitales". Organized by OBSERVACOM |  Room N2


12:30 鈥 13:30

  • 驴Qu茅 pasa en las salas de prensa y redacciones? Estrategias contra el sexismo en los medios. Organized by Red de Periodistas y Comunicadoras Feministas de Chile |  Room C2
  • Organized by MIL Alliance |  Room C1


13:30 鈥 14:30 [ LUNCH TIME]  Film screenings by El Pais | Room A2


15:00 鈥 16:00

  • Organized by UNESCO |  Room A1

14:30 鈥 15:30

  • Organized by Free Press Unlimited |  Room A2
  • Organized by OSCE |  Room C1
  •  Organized by IPS Academy Association - Citizens' Platform on Climate Change and a Sustainable World program |  Room N2


14:30 鈥 16:00

  • New narratives to save the planet: gender-sensitive journalism meets environmental reporting. Organized by DW Akademie, Alharaca |  Room C2
  • Ensuring Rights-Respecting Governance of Digital Platforms: Multi Stakeholder Perspectives in the Latin American context and the role of UNESCO Guidelines. Organized by Derechos Digitales |  BiblioGAM


15:30 鈥 16:30

  • Organized by Media Diversity Institute |  Room A2
  • . Organized by OHCHR |  Room C1


15:30  - 17:00

  • Organized by The Center for International Media Assistance, Internews, the Committee to Protect Journalists and the Thomson Reuters Foundation  |  Room N2


16:00 鈥 17:00

  • Organized by International Press Institute (IPI), Pullitzer Center, Internews Earth Journalism Network |  Room A1


16:00 -17:30

  • Organized by DW Akademie and UNESCO IPDC as representatives of the Media Viability Manifesto initiative. |  Room C2
  • Organized by Special Rapporteur of Freedom of Expression - Inter-american Human Rights Court and FLIP | BiblioGAM


16:30 鈥 17:30

  • The gender dimensions of disinformation - Freedom of expression and gender justice. Organized by Association for Progressive Communications (APC), United Nations Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression and Free Press Unlimited |  Room A2
  • Photojournalism: The challenges and threats to journalistic coverage in the Amazon rainforest. Organized by Fundacion Vista and UNESCO |  Room C1


17:00 鈥 18:00

  • Mujeres e infancias indi虂genas, rurales, campesinas frente a la violencia en contextos de defensa ambiental, del territorio, y crisis clima虂tica en Ame虂rica Latina. Organized by Red Internacional de Periodistas con Visio虂n de Ge虂nero (RIPVG) |  Room N2


17:00 鈥 18:15

  • International Cooperation for the Pursuit of Innovative Solutions for the Protection of Environmental Journalists and Communicators. Organized by ARTICLE 19 Mexico, ARTICLE 19 Brazil , FOPEA  |  Room A1


17:30 鈥 19:00

  • . Organized by Media Freedom Coalition |  Room A2
  • . Organized by University of Southern California, IREX and Ojo Publico |  Room C2
  • Organized by SOCOLAC |  Room C1
  • Organized by Observatorio de Participaci贸n Ciudadana y No Discriminaci贸n del Ministerio Secretar铆a General de Gobierno de Chile | BiblioGAM


18:00 鈥 19:00

  • Organized by Internews |  Room N2


18:15 鈥 19:00

  • Attacks against journalists during full-scale invasion. Organized by The Reckoning Project, Public Interest Journalism Lab |  Room A1



SIDE EVENTS - Organized off-venue


4 May

  • 16:00 - Organized by Wikimedia Chile | Palacio Pereira, Huerfanos 1515, Santiago
  • 10:00 - Organized by PEN America, Student Press Law Center |