EventCat IV – International Congress New Forms of Agreements and Cooperation for the Return and Restitution of Cultural Property to Central America
News The 19th Conference on Educational Cooperation on Special Education and Inclusion in Ibero-America will bring together 19 countries
EventCat IV – International Congress XVI Meeting of National Committees and Focal Points of the Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme of UNESCO for Latin America and the Caribbean (IHP-LAC)
News Latin American countries and the Spanish Ministry of Education launch a call to promote the inclusion of students with disabilities
News Experts in sediment management gather at the 4th Ibero-American Congress on Sediments and Ecology
News Latin America and the Caribbean prepare a regional consultation to drive Global Educational Progress
News UNESCO training on visitor management and community participation in tourism and heritage for Latin America and the Caribbean begins in Mexico
Press release UNESCO Director-General condemns killings of journalists Gleymer Renan Villeda and César Augusto Leiva Pimentel in Guatemala
Publication Climate change vulnerability and risk in UNESCO Global Geoparks and Biosphere Reserves in Latin America and the Caribbean: executive summary
News UNESCO-Japan Prize on education for sustainable development awards projects from Guatemala, Japan and Zimbabwe
EventCat VII – Seminar and training Webinar: Teacher trainers in six Latin American countries. Institutions, practices, and visions