Youth and Young Professionals Declare Regional Alliance for Cooperation in Science, Engineering, Technology and Innovation for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change

Youth and young professionals representing U-Inspire Afghanistan, U-Inspire India, U-Inspire Indonesia, U-Inspire Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan), U-Inspire Malaysia, U-Inspire Nepal, U-Inspire Pakistan and U-Inspire Philippines agreed to formally launch the Asia Pacific Youth and Young Professionals Alliance in Science, Engineering, Technology, and Innovation (SETI) for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change.
The declaration was made as part of a 2 day forum for Youth and Young Professionals in SETI for DRR which was held in conjunction with the SEE AP II event in Jakarta 17 鈥 22 September 2019.
Participants spent 2 days collaborating and discussing success factor and challenges in establishing platforms for youth and young professionals in SETI for DRR as well as sharing innovative examples where youth and young professionals have successfully used their SETI to support disaster risk reduction activities in their countries.
Outcomes of the workshop will contribute to the development of a toolkit publication to showcase best practice examples and provide guidance around how youth and young professional in SETI for DRR can link with and contribute to regional, national and global DRR activities and frameworks.
As a signature to the declaration, the UNESCO Regional Science Bureau for Asia and the Pacific is committed to professionally supporting the formal launch of the Asia Pacific U-Inspire Alliance in 2020.