Voces de la educación artÃstica en Chile: análisis de un proceso participativo; documento de análisis

This document, published by UNESCO and the Ministry of Cultures, Arts and Heritage (Chile), is an analytical document that considers the opinions of individuals, communities, and key stakeholders as one of the most significant sources for developing a set of technical guidelines. These guidelines will support decision-making and policy formulation to promote arts education in the Education and Culture sectors and will be disseminated in the final stage of the project.
This analytical document organises, synthesises, and systematises the diverse perspectives that emerged from the discussions, paying particular attention to the articulation of key themes and viewpoints expressed by participants. The aim is to conduct an emergent analysis that does not impose pre-existing concepts or research agendas but rather outlines the most prominent convergences and trends observed across different participatory instances. With the exception of certain contextual considerations regarding the diagnoses, this text should be read as an attempt to unify and integrate the diverse perspectives that currently shape the field of contemporary arts education in Chile.
This report first describes the main purposes of arts education, including its associated values and the skills it fosters among those engaged in the teaching and learning process. Secondly, it examines the various paradigms—both traditional and emerging—that have shaped education and training in and through the arts. The subsequent section focuses on an assessment of the resources available for contemporary arts education, addressing spaces, pedagogical strategies, and teaching and learning materials that enable its development. Fourthly, the report analyses the most relevant gaps and opportunities that define the current landscape.
Beyond providing a comprehensive perspective on the role of arts education in present-day Chile, this document—together with other materials and digital and graphic platforms, which will be communicated in due course—aims to offer feedback to the participants who generously contributed to the reflective process of the National Forum on Arts Education. Far from being conclusive, these voices seek to inspire new conversations and debates, encouraging critical engagement with collective reflections and making visible the future pathways of a dynamic and creative field.