Propuestas para la educación artística: orientaciones de política pública; documento de política (corto)

This document is one of the outcomes of the national participatory reflection process on arts education in Chile, which brought together a broad and diverse group of individuals actively engaged in this social field. Its main objective is to present a set of technical guidelines for decision-making and policy formulation to promote and strengthen both formal and non-formal arts education within the education and culture sectors.

Short version of

Published by UNESCO and the Ministry of Cultures, Arts and Heritage, this document considers the opinions of individuals, communities, and key stakeholders as one of its most important sources. In addition to the voices of arts education, it includes an analysis of national regulatory frameworks and policy documents, as well as the available scientific evidence. The review of complementary materials was carried out with the aim of aligning the proposed guidelines with the trajectory of cultural and educational institutions in recent years.

Public policy is understood as a set of guidelines and actions aimed at addressing and resolving challenges faced by society at large or within a specific sector or field. Within this broad definition, it is recognised that decision-making and solution design take place at various levels, from institutions to social organisations. In other words, any relevant stakeholder operates within its own decision-making framework and policy scope.

This document examines the existing vision of arts education based on available evidence, official documentation, and the perspectives of those who participated in the national reflection process. It then identifies the principles that underpin the proposed guidelines in order to outline the key challenges for the future of arts education, considering both the gaps that need to be bridged and the opportunities that public policy should leverage. Finally, the document concludes with a set of recommendations for arts education in the country, taking into account the role of the state, leadership in educational and cultural management within public and private institutions, as well as teachers, teaching artists, and cultural mediators.