TVET Youth


Video contest among youth about TVET benefits: Professional education is the key to getting your dream job!

Living standards for women and men in rural areas can be improved due to vocational education system in Uzbekistan. To raise awareness about benefits of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) for all society, a video contest was organized all over Uzbekistan. "Professional Education- is the key to getting a better job"- was the theme of the video contest, organized by the project in partnership with the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education and Agency of Youth Affairs.

The aim of the EU funded "Skills Development for Employability in Rural Areas" project is to enhance the living standards in rural areas through better employability by preparing women and men with relevant skills for the needs of a sustainable, diversified and modernized agriculture. Graduates of professional educational entities shared their achievments and stories saying that skills obtained during the education helped them with employability in rural areas. In Uzbekistan 60% of the population are Youth and high-level of engagement was achieved reaching the target audience all over the country. They were informed about benefits of TVET by their peers and got motivation to focus on skills development.

Graduates of colleges from all over Uzbekistan participated in the contest, 93 videos were received in a few days. Juries selected best 20 videos at the first stage and uploaded them to a telegram channel for open voting. Number of views per publication reached about 26 000. Authors of five videos with highest quantity of likes were awarded with prizes given by Youth Affairs Agency of Uzbekistan- Galaxy Tab A8 Tablets. Later all submitted videos were uploaded to the following telegram channel: . Watch and get inspired!