UNESCO training on building a climate resilient future: Capacity development in climate change adaptation and disaster risk management in selected UNESCO designated sites of South-East Europe
The UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe, with the support of Bulgaria, is implementing the project “Building a climate resilient future: capacity development in climate change adaptation and disaster risk management in selected UNESCO designated sites of South-East Europe”.
The project aims at contributing to a more climate-resilient South-East European region, notably more climate resilient UNESCO designated sites by improving the understanding of the impacts of climatic change and natural hazards on natural and cultural sites, and improving capacities for effective emergency preparedness and response within heritage management and site governance frameworks. The project targets 5 UNESCO Member states in South-East Europe: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Republic of North Macedonia, and Serbia. The project envisages institutional and professional capacity development by introduction of a set of regional guidelines and tools in the areas of Climate Change Adaptation/Disaster Risk Management and organizing a training for UNESCO designated sites including Biosphere Reserves and World Heritage sites in South-East Europe.
The training will bring together 20 participants selected through a Call for Applications from the 5 UNESCO Member States from South-East Europe.
The participants are site managing authorities of UNESCO designated sites in the region (with special focus on Biosphere Reserves and World Heritage Sites) together with civil protection authorities, researchers and key experts in the field of climate change, disaster risk management, and protection and promotion of cultural and natural heritage.
The participants will first attend at the beginning of October an online pre-training workshop divided into 3 sessions where they will establish a virtual learning community. During the session, the participants will get familiar with the project team and objectives, the methodology and the expected results. Keynote presentations from experts will provide some inputs on scientific perspectives on climate change, climate change strategies and policies in the heritage sector, disaster risk reduction strategies and policies in the heritage sector and climate change adaptation in natural sites.
The workshop will consist in round table presentations, sessions dedicated to understanding, assessing and addressing risks in UNESCO designated sites, Comprehensive risk management frameworks, screening hazards to UNESCO designated sites, rapid assessments of climate and disaster risks, group exercises and visits to cultural and natural sites in the Ohrid region.