
UNESCO seeks nominations for the UNESCO/Juan Bosch Prize for the Promotion of Social Science Research in Latin America and the Caribbean

UNESCO invites Members States in consultation with their National Commissions, and non-governmental organizations in official partnership with UNESCO and active in a field covered by the Prize to propose candidates for the UNESCO-Juan Bosch Prize for the Promotion of Social Science Research in Latin America and the Caribbean 2015. Deadline for the submission of candidates: 2 February 2015 at midnight.

Awarded every two years, the Prize is intended to reward the best social science thesis of young researchers. The thesis, on a Latin America and the Caribbean subject, has to have made a significant research contribution to the promotion of social science research geared to social development policies in the region.

Inspired by the life of Professor Juan Bosch and the humanist spirit of his work, the Prize seeks to foster critical, rigorous and independent research on contemporary challenges in Latin America and the Caribbean, in ways that are useful for stronger public policies and practices. The objective of the Prize is to motivate young researchers to work in support of shared values of human rights and dignity and to promote new forms of solidarity.

The award winners receive a diploma and a monetary award of 10,000 US dollars.

How to submit your nomination

Nominations for the Prize should be submitted, no later than 2 February 2015, by filling out the nomination form in either English or Spanish, by post (the original form) and by e-mail (advanced copy).

Members States may not submit more than three candidates for any one edition of the Prize. No individual submissions will be allowed.

Download the Nomination Form

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Send it, duly signed and stamped, to


UNESCO/Juan Bosch Prize

Social and Human Sciences Sector

Mr Germán Solinís

Executive Secretary

1 rue Miollis

75732 Paris Cedex 15 FRANCE

Tel.: + 33 1 45 68 38 37

E-mail: g.solinis(at) /