
UNESCO Peru trains prosecutors to protect freedom of expression and journalists

Over the course of 3 days, prosecutors from the Public Ministry of Peru strengthened their competencies for the implementation of international standards on freedom of expression and the safety of journalists.
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On June 20, 21, and 22, UNESCO Peru and the Public Ministry organized the course "Freedom of Expression and Safety of Journalists: International Standards and their Application in the Peruvian Context," training 25 prosecutors from Lima, Junin, Ayacucho, Apurimac, and Puno who specialize in human rights and criminal investigation.

The prosecutors participated in presentations, panels, discussions with national and international experts, as well as group exercises and assessments, with the aim of deepening their capacities and competencies to ensure the implementation of international standards on freedom of expression and the safety of journalists.

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Mehdi Benchelah, Senior Project Officer of UNESCO’s Section on Freedom of Expression and Safety of Journalists, inaugurated the event alongside the Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Daniel Maurate; the Ambassador of Canada to Peru, Louis Marcotte; and the coordinator of the Technical Mission of the OHCHR, Maia Campbell.

The course featured the presence of Sabin Ouellet, an international human rights lawyer, international criminal law expert, and former prosecutor from Quebec, who participated in the event thanks to the Embassy of Canada. Daniel Yovera, an investigative journalist, was also present and took part in the panel discussion on "National Protection Framework and Key Issues of Freedom of Expression and Safety of Journalists in Peru; the Role of the Public Ministry," among others.

Among the topics addressed, efforts were made to raise awareness and deepen understanding of the problems faced by women journalists and the various forms of violence they experience in the course of their work, which are based on socially prevalent gender stereotypes. Additionally, knowledge and skills regarding the application of the multisectoral protocol for the protection of human rights defenders, including journalists, were strengthened. In this way, an approach was established between prosecutors and journalists that promotes networks of support and contact in defense of freedom of expression.

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UNESCO is the United Nations agency responsible for promoting the free flow of ideas by word and image, and it works to strengthen justice operators in the defense of freedom of expression worldwide.

In this way, UNESCO contributes to the Peruvian State's fulfillment of the Hague Commitment to increase the Safety of Journalists, signed by Peru in 2020. Furthermore, it supports the implementation of the United Nations Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity, recognized by the UN General Assembly in 2013.