
UNESCO launches a program for safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage in Karakalpakstan

29 September 2023 – Nukus, Karakalpakstan
UNESCO launches a program for safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage in Karakalpakstan

UNESCO together with the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan organize a 5-day training program for inventorying and documentation of Intangible Cultural Heritage. The focus of this training is safeguarding of living heritage of Kobyz and Zhyrau in Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan, regarding their musical tradition.

The traditional musical instrument, Kobyz and its associated Zhyrau performance tradition, are an integral part of the intangible cultural heritage of Karakalpakstan. In recent decades, viability of these practices face significant challenges. The dwindling number of skilled craftsmen, limited awareness among younger generations, and the complex task of safeguarding and passing on this precious knowledge of among these challenges.   

Urgent action is essential to secure the future of Kobyz crafting and the Zhyrau performance tradition. This endeavor encompasses building national capacity, identifying and documenting the components of this living heritage, raising awareness within local communities and stakeholders, and promoting the transmission of this cultural legacy to forthcoming generations.

With this mission in mind, the training program seeks to enhance the capacity for inventorying intangible cultural heritage through training professionals, local communities, masters and other relevant stakeholders with the skills and knowledge necessary to document the selected living heritage elements of Karakalpakstan. 

As follow-up to the training, a field survey/works will be conducted from 4 to 10 October 2023 within Karakalpakstan. This activity aims to identify, inventory and document the ICH elements related to Kobyz and Zhyrau. The field activities will serve a dual purpose: providing hands-on experience in on-site living heritage inventorying while contributing to the documentation and safeguarding of these cultural traditions.

UNESCO remains committed to safeguarding intangible cultural heritage and raising awareness of its significance at the local, national, and international levels in Uzbekistan. The organization will continue to collaborate closely with international, regional, and national partners to strengthen the capacities of all relevant stakeholders.

*The activities fall under the umbrella of the project «Urgent safeguarding of the making of traditional musical instrument Kobyz and its tradition of Zhyrau performance». This project is generously funded by Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund of the UNESCO 2003 Convention. Its primary objectives are to safeguard the living heritage of Karakalpaksta, more precisely the traditions of Kobyz and Zhyrau and to increase awareness of the importance of safeguarding Karakalpak living heritage.

Contact person:

Mukhayyo Makhmudova, Culture Programme Specialist, email: m.makhmudova@unesco,org

Gulbahar Izentaeva, Culture Consultant, email: