UNESCO-Aschberg Programme: Support to Chile in the Development of a Cultural Decent Work Agenda
The initiative will take place during 2024–2025, with financial support of USD 30,000 from the Aschberg Fund and technical assistance from UNESCO for the development of the Decent Cultural Work Agenda.

Through the Aschberg Programme, UNESCO provides technical assistance, tools, and capacity-building to foster environments that support creativity, particularly in countries of the Global South. The programme seeks to protect and promote artistic freedom, improve the status of artists and cultural professionals, and facilitate a balanced circulation of cultural goods and services.
In alignment with the 1980 , UNESCO is providing technical assistance to Chile’s Ministry of Cultures, Arts and Heritage (MINCAP) in a participatory process to develop a Decent Cultural Work Agenda, with the goal of enhancing labour conditions in the cultural sector.
Project phases
2022: A participatory social dialogue process was designed, implemented, and systematised, with contributions from representatives of trade unions, cultural organisations, and professional associations. The aim was to identify gaps, challenges, and opportunities for drafting Chile’s Cultural Worker Statute.
- 2024: Laurence Cuny, serving as a technical advisor for the Cultural Worker Statute in Chile, delivered a comprehensive set of reports and recommendations. These included detailed insights on the mandate of the Interministerial Committee and a comparative international analysis. Additionally, Cuny visited Chile, participating in a discussion forum on 18–19 April 2024, within the Southern Cultural Industries Market (MICSUR). She shared regional best practices and engaged in other relevant activities.
- Technical Support for the Interministerial Committee:
- Bilateral meetings with various ministries and consultations with cultural organisations were conducted to analyse issues affecting cultural work in Chile.
- Findings were systematised, and public policy proposals were developed to guide decision-making within the Interministerial Committee.
- UNESCO Regional Office in Santiago and MINCAP worked together to coordinate the implementation of the Aschberg Fund.
- Work Plan Development (February 2024):
- The Interministerial Committee was established, and a roadmap was outlined for implementing the Decent Cultural Work Agenda.
- The roadmap’s goal is to propose, assess, and approve measures to enhance working conditions and the recognition of cultural work.
The Committee commenced activities on 18 May 2024 and includes the following ministries:
Participating Ministries:
- Ministry of Cultures, Arts and Heritage
- Ministry of Women and Gender Equality
- Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare
- Ministry of Economy, Development and Tourism
- Ministry of Social Development and Family
- Ministry of Finance
- Ministry of Education
- Ministry of Health
- Executive Secretariat: Undersecretariat of Cultures, Arts and Heritage