Launch of UNESCO's Intercultural Dialogue for Conflict Transformation Briefs Series

In an era where geopolitical power struggles disrupt traditional peacebuilding, where identity and misinformation fuel divisions, and where trust in institutions is eroding, UNESCO’s Intercultural Dialogue for Conflict Transformation briefs series presents an adaptable, culturally grounded, and people-centered approach to peacebuilding. With 89% of conflicts worldwide occurring in countries with limited capacity for intercultural dialogue, this series takes an essential first step in examining dialogue as a powerful practice for preventing conflict, fostering reconciliation, reimagining transitional justice, and strengthening social cohesion.
Developed in collaboration with leading peacebuilding organizations-the Auschwitz Institute for the Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocity, Interpeace, the Berghof Foundation, and Search for Common Ground-this four-part series combines firsthand experience, compelling case studies, and expert analysis to demonstrate the transformative potential of dialogue in conflict-sensitive settings.
From integrating survivor-centered and trauma-informed dialogue within transitional justice processes, to using creative mediums-such as film, theatre, and storytelling-for reconciliation and collective healing, to leveraging multi-stakeholder dialogue in designing early-warning systems, this series showcases the diverse, creative, and culturally resonant forms that dialogue can take. In doing so, it explains how engaging individuals from diverse groups in empathic and respectful dialogue supports communities in finding common ground, building mutual understanding, restoring trust and developing a shared narrative of the past and the future. Through actionable recommendations, each brief in this series provides practitioners, policymakers, and civil society with the essential guidance needed to tailor and embed intercultural dialogue in their respective contexts, thereby making peace processes more inclusive, locally led, and sustainable.
Join us for an engaging 90-minute online event, where keynote speakers and expert panelists-including the authors of the briefs-will unpack key recommendations and engage in an insightful conversation on how dialogue can foster a more peaceful, cohesive, and just world.
Opening remarks
, Assistant Director-General for Social and Human Sciences, UNESCO
Keynote speech
, Director and Founder, Inclusive Peace
- , Advisor, Dialogue and Mediation Support, Berghof Foundation
- , Transitional Justice Specialist, UNDP
- , Principal Representative in New York and Senior Peacebuilding Advisor, Interpeace
- , Director of Research and Online Education, Auschwitz Institute for the Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities
- Shabnam Moallem, Senior Regional Program Manager - Asia, Search for Common Ground
Euan Mackway-Jones, Programme Specialist, Inclusion, Rights, and Intercultural Dialogue, UNESCO