
UNESCO and Office of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict strengthen cooperation

Memorandum between UNESCO and OSRSG-CAAC

UNESCO signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Office of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict (OSRSG-CAAC) on 9 September 2022, in the margins of the third commemoration of the International Day to Protect Education from Attack.

The MoU aims to strengthen the cooperation between the two entities in the protection of education and ensuring the continuity of learning in conflict situations. “With this MoU, we are embarking on a joint journey to work on priority areas such as developing training for teachers of conflict affected populations and adapted accelerated education programmes, enhancing data standards on monitoring and reporting of attacks on education, and supporting Member States implementation of UNSC Resolution 2601,” said UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Education, Stefania Giannini.

In line with the UN Security Council resolution (2018) on prevention, and (2021) exclusively on the protection of education, this cooperation will better contribute to enhancing the humanitarian–development–peace nexus, not only through the strengthening of prevention mechanisms, but also by providing children affected by armed conflict with the necessary knowledge and skills to contribute to peace and resilience building.

“The number of attacks on schools, students, and educational personnel as well as the military use of schools continues to rise, with a devastating impact on children, especially girls. Ensuring that all children released from armed forces or groups have access to long-term, gender- and age-sensitive reintegration support, including education, is fundamental to their recovery, but also to the sustainable peace and development of their societies,” said the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, Virginia Gamba.

The MoU will be implemented jointly by UNESCO’s Education Sector at HQ, New York Liaison Office, Gulf States and Yemen Office in Doha and other Field Offices and Institutes, and the SRSG CAAC Office’s Analysis and Outreach Hub that is supported the Qatar Fund for Development.

The International Day to Protect Education from Attack was established by the unanimous adoption of the UN General Assembly Resolution , presented by the State of Qatar and 62 co-sponsoring countries on 28 May 2020. The resolution called upon stakeholders to keep this issue at the top of the international agenda and for Governments as primary duty bearers to act to alleviate the plight of students affected by armed conflict and disasters.

This year’s third observance of the International Day precedes the , where UNESCO serves as the Secretariat. During the three days of the Summit (16, 17 and 19 September), Education in Crisis Situations will feature in discussions with various stakeholders including Heads of State, youth, and education partner and donors. One thematic will be organized on 19 September on the Leaders Day, where Member States and partners will launch a Commitment to Action: A Partnership for Transformation in Crisis Situations.