8 September 2021
Last update:20 April 2023
Over 600 violations against the media freedoms, of which 13% against female journalists, took place; they ranged from physical assault to raids on media outlets, confiscation of equipment and arrest, hence focusing on the importance of the safety for journalists.
Ms. Noha Bawazir, Head of Office and UNESCO Representative
Dr. Nader Saeed, AWRAD's General Director and research leader, introduced the methodology that would be applied. Through field research, interviews, and questionnaires, AWRAD team will be able to assess and evaluate the journalist safety indicator in Palestine according to UNESCO’s standards.
Carrying out this task is not easy, but it is worth it, as it is not only important at the level of UNESCO, but also on our level as Palestinians; the study would set the ground for creating the change that we want
Dr. Nader Saeed, AWRAD's General Director and research leader
The discussion that followed allowed for expert researchers and journalists to give their inputs, initial feedback and to share their observations on this topic, all of which ensured the importance of carrying out such a study.
The launch ceremony was conducted via zoom, in compliance with prevention and safety measures.