
UNESCO & Al-Quds Open University Launch a New Project on Media and Information Literacy

Ramallah, October 26 – In the framework of the Media and Information Literacy Week 2021, UNESCO Ramallah and Al-Quds Open University launch a new project on the "Assessing Media Institutions Strategic Management and Extending Media Literacy in the Palestinian Higher Education". The meeting organized in the form of a round table was the opportunity to discuss collaboration with media educators and stakeholders towards the achievement of the project’s objectives. This project was successfully granted financial support by the Special Account for the International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC).  It was approved by the IPDC Bureau at its 65th meeting in June 2021 and will be implemented in three phases between November 2021 and June 2022: a) Assessing the media institutions through research and study b) Capacity building sessions c) development of the Media information Literacy curriculum for Higher Education institutions. This project will be executed in close coordination with UNESCO Ramallah office. 
The annual Global Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Week, initiated in 2012, is led by UNESCO in cooperation with the UNESCO MIL Alliance, the UNESCO-UNAOC MIL and Intercultural Dialogue (MILID) University Network, and other partners. It is a major occasion for stakeholders to review and celebrate the progress achieved towards “Media and Information Literacy for All”. The tenth Global Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Week will be commemorated from 24 to 31 October 2021, and will be hosted by South Africa. Global MIL Week 2021 highlights will include the eleventh MIL and Intercultural Dialogue Conference and sixth Youth Agenda Forum.