
UN Joint Programme Impacting Girls’ and Adolescent Women’s Lives in Tanzania

UNESCO Dar es Salaam Office is leading the implementation of a five-year Joint Programme (JP) on Empowering Adolescent Girls and Young Women through Education in Tanzania, in collaboration with the government of Tanzania, UNFPA and UN Women.

Through the programme, 112 Safe Space-TUSEME youth clubs have been established. The clubs have provided platforms for peer-led activities on life skills namely leadership, communication, self-confidence and determination. Through the peer-led activities, students are now empowered to speak out on issues hindering their education. Furthermore, the entrepreneurship skills acquired facilitated the establishment of school canteens and barbershops as income generating activities, which helps meet the needs of most vulnerable girls, such as sanitary wear, within the target schools.

The programme has as well resulted in increased access to literacy and non-formal education for out-of-school adolescent girls and young women through training of out-of-school adolescent girls and young women to acquire literacy, numeracy, and life skills including ICT-based literacy and numeracy using tablets. The training modules consist of basic literacy, mathematical operations, communicating in English and Swahili, life skills, sexual and reproductive health, HIV and AIDS, gender equality, entrepreneurship and financial management skills, environmental and civic and human rights education. Learners who did not have basic literacy and numeracy developed confidence by learning how to read and write, while young women who run small businesses like selling fruits, vegetables, doughnuts and milk tea, applied better communication skills in their businesses, leading to boosted sales.

The Joint Programme is being implemented in the four districts of Kasulu, Mkoani, Sengerema and Ngorongoro and is funded by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA).