
Request for Written Proposal for Training of Secondary School Girls in Coding, Robotics, 3D Printing, Artificial Intelligence and Mobile App Development

Reference: DAR/SCI/2023/01
Date: 25th July 2023

Request to submit a written proposal for a work assignment with UNESCO

UNESCO Dar es Salaam is inviting written proposals from eligible contractors for the work assignment described in the Terms of Reference below. 

Your written proposal should comprise:

(a) A Technical Proposal consisting of: an up to date curriculum vitae, and an approach and methodology for the assignment, and comments on the Terms of Reference if any (in brief).

(b) The amount to be charged for the assignment, which should be quoted in TZS. Please show any travel costs separately. The assignment will be carried in Mwanza city for 3 days.

Your proposal and any supporting documents must be in English

UNESCO places great emphasis on ensuring that the objectives of the work assignment, as described in the Terms of Reference, are met. Accordingly, in evaluating the proposals for the assignment, attention will focus first and foremost on the technical elements. From those proposals deemed suitable in terms of the criteria in the Terms of Reference, UNESCO shall select the proposal that offers the organisation best value for money.

Your proposal should be submitted by e-mail not later than close of business (17:00) on 4th August 2023.

The e-mail address is:

It is the contractor’s responsibility to ensure that your proposal is received by the deadline.

Thank you for your interest in this UNESCO assignment; and we look forward to receiving your proposal.

Terms of Reference for Training of Secondary School Girls in Coding, Robotics, 3D Printing, Artificial Intelligence and Mobile App Development

  1. Background and Objective

In the framework of the Global Education Coalition's "Keeping Girls in the Picture" campaign, the UNESCO Regional Office for Eastern Africa is supporting Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics/ Information and Communication Technology (STEM/ICT) boot camps aimed at Advanced Level School Girls in Tanzania. These boot camps will provide mentorship on STEM careers while also enhancing digital literacy by equipping girls with fundamental ICT skills. This will empower girls to navigate an increasingly technology-focused world and overcome existing gender divides. 

The objective of this assignment is: The main objective of the STEM/ICT Mentorship program is to contribute to the closing of the digital divide recognizing the digital gender gap that exists.  Specifically, this will entail creating links’ through expanded access for girls to role models, mentors and parental and peer support for digital skills development as well as expanding the bandwidth’ through advocacy, knowledge generation, documentation and sharing of good practices to increase awareness of the importance of girls’ digital skills and participation in ICT-related education and careers.

Towards this end, there is need to have a pool of Female STEM/ICT Mentors and Role Models who will demystify the STEM/ICT fields with a view of encouraging more girls to take up STEM/ICT subjects whereas for those already enrolled to support and encourage them as they navigate through these fields.

  1. Purpose of the Assignment and Tasks

UNESCO Dar es Salaam Field Office is currently seeking an institution or organization (contractor) to support the implementation of the boot camp in Mwanza City. The contractor is expected to:

  • In partnership with the UNESCO Dar es Salaam Field Office, develop an ICT boot camp programme targeting 130 girls from Advanced Level Secondary School Girls from the Lake Zone. The programme will focus on the fundamentals of artificial intelligence, coding and robotics, 3D printing, and mobile app development.
  • In consultation with the UNESCO Dar es Salaam Field Office, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and National Commission for UNESCO (NATCOM), the contractor will be responsible for providing all necessary training kits, including enough laptops to enable all bootcamp participants to engage in practical sessions. 

Expected Outputs and Dates

Task: Prepare and share mentorship training materials on: Artificial Intelligence, Coding And Robotics, 3D Printing, and Mobile App Development

Timeline: 5th – 6th September 2023


Task: Provide all necessary training kits, including 40 laptops to enable all bootcamp participants to engage in practical sessions and train the participants. Ensure 3 participants share the same laptop

Timeline: 5th – 6th September 2023


  1. Qualifications of the Contractor.

The potentials service provider should have the following requirements:

  1. Able to provide STEM/ICT training kits including 40 laptops and other necessities.
  2. A team with strong technical capacity, skills and practical experience around Artificial Intelligence, Coding, Robotics, 3D Printing and mobile app development.
  3. Passionate pool of trainers able to impart STEM/ICT skills to the participants.
  4. Able to mobilize team and   training kits to the training centre in Mwanza.


Education:  The team of consultants should have a minimum of bachelor’s degree in the relevant field of computer science, computer engineering. Machine learning, artificial intelligence and or innovation.

Relevant Practical Experience: should provide evidence of hands-on based and practical experience in coding, robotics, 3D printing and mobile app development.

Quality of the previous assignments: The contractor should indicate the evidence of delivering the previous similar assignments in an acceptable quality.

Skills: strong and extensive skills in computer and artificial intelligence.

Languages: Excellent command (written/spoken/reading comprehension) of English and Kiswahili is required. Should indicate ability to mentor secondary school students.


  1. Supervisory Arrangements

This is a service contract assignment for the period of Two (2) days scheduled between 5th-6th September 2023. The successful vendor will report the work progress and be supervised by the UNESCO Dar es Salaam through the natural sciences sector.


  1. Facilities to be provided by the consultant.

You are required to indicate the facilities to be provided in carrying out the task and any you would require from UNESCO.