Promoting Literacy in Multilingual Settings
Language and education are closely related. Since language is a main means of human communication, almost all educational activities, including literacy, use language in some way. In multilingual settings, decisions about the relationship between language and education are not straightforward and never easy. Instead, serious consideration is needed to determine which languages to use in education and literacy programmes.
Learners having insufficient comprehension and command of the languages used as the languages of literacy and languages (or media) of instruction are likely to learn differently from those fully proficient in the languages used. This usually includes ethno-linguistic minorities in multilingual settings. In some cases, people speaking languages with millions of speakers also have to study through a language in which they may not be proficient. Most Asian nations are linguistically diverse, and thus the "language issue" is important across the region.
Bangkok: UNESCO Bangkok, 2007, 62p.
ISBN 92-9223-100-6
#MotherTongue #MotherLanguage #InclusiveEducation #Equity&InclusionInEducation