
Online Central Asian Symposium on Education: Spotlight on Teacher Policies

UNESCO and the World Bank are pleased to invite you to the ‘Online Central Asian Symposium on Education – Validation Workshop for Outline of Regional Report on Teacher Policies’ to be held on 26 May 2022, 17:00 – 19:00 (Almaty time, GMT+6).
Skilled Teachers-Skilled Nation

This workshop is a second of the series of workshops organized jointly by the UNESCO and the World Bank under the initiative “Skilled Teachers - Skilled Nation”. UNESCO and the World Bank, in collaboration with the Ministries of Education in Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, are leading a regional report on teacher policies in Central Asia. An experienced research team comprising national experts, international leads, and global advisors will analyze and support Central Asian governments in strengthening teacher policies and thereby improving instruction and student learning outcomes.

This validation workshop for the regional report will present the outline of the report, obtain feedback, and agree on the analytical questions to be addressed in the report. The workshop will also bring forward international experiences.

The Agenda of the event can be found here: #606#.

The slides presented at the event can be found

The recording of the event can be found

***About the initiative

High performing education systems attract and retain best talent into the teaching force, provide tailored, focused, practical, and ongoing pre-service and in-service trainings and empower teachers through increased autonomy and exciting career trajectories to lead improvement in education quality in their classes, schools, communities, and the country. The initiative “Skilled Teachers – Skilled Nation” aims to exchange knowledge and experiences among Central Asian countries on existing policies and programmes regarding teacher recruitment, in- and pre-service teacher professional development systems, teachers' career trajectories. Under this initiative, an took place on 13 October 2021 bringing together representatives of Ministries of Education and other stakeholders from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. The Ministries presented their visions on teacher policies and regional and international academics and practitioners highlighted international experiences on effective teacher policies and practices.