
Online Central Asian Symposium on Education: “Skilled Teachers-Skilled Nation”

UNESCO and the World Bank are jointly organizing the online symposium on education with the aims to exchange knowledge and experiences on existing policies and programmes regarding the current teacher professional development systems.
Skilled Teachers-Skilled Nation

When: 13 October 2021, 17:00 – 19:30 (Almaty time)

Type of event: Symposium (open to public)


- Ministries of Education in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan;

- Higher education institutes involved in training of teachers and education professionals;

- Regional and global thinkers and implementers on effective teacher policies;

- other education stakeholders or interested participants

Languages: English and Russian (with simultaneous translation)

Teachers are the critical factors behind education quality. The studies find that several consecutive years of effective teaching can offset the learning shortfalls of marginalized students.

High performing education systems attract and retain best talent into the teaching force, provide tailored, focused, practical, and ongoing pre-service and in-service trainings and empower teachers through increased autonomy and exciting career trajectories to lead improvement in education quality in their classes, schools, communities, and the country.

Expected Results

Discussion of key issues in the field of teacher development and the teaching profession, in particular:

- policies for attracting and retaining the best talent for teaching;

- features of successful programs and strategies on teacher training and professional development.

Event agenda:#556#

All materials and full recordings of the meeting in Russian and English are available at the following .

For Inquiries:

UNESCO: Ms. Meirgul Alpysbayeva, Education Officer

World Bank Group: Ms. Syedah Aroob Iqbal, Education Economist