
Network for Media and Information Literacy in Mexico

Network for Media and Information Literacy in Mexico
Collage con imágenes de celular, televisión, micrófono, periódicos, revistas, una lupa.

The Network for Media and Information Literacy in Mexico (MIL Network Mexico) is a collaborative project between institutions, academia, civil society organizations and others interested parts in promoting more just and inclusive societies through the development of media and information skills among Mexican citizens.

What do we respond to?

Technological and social changes have influenced the way we produce, use and exchange information, and with it challenges and opportunities for freedom of expression, civic participation and the way we consume and share information. Some concerning consequences are information saturation, disinformation, the emergence of fake news and the replication of hate speech.

Media and Information Literacy (MIL) is one of the key responses for societies to respond to these changes. It is a combination of knowledge, attitudes, skills and practices that allow "to access, analyze, evaluate, use, produce and communicate information and knowledge in an ethical, legal and creative way, that respects human rights".

MIL is fundamental in helping people analyze what they read, see and listen in the media, allows citizens to differentiate between facts and myths, exercise their right to access and demand information, protect their online identity, privacy, and become active members of what is called the media ecosystem.

Un joven mexicano está frente a la cámara y detrás de él se proyecta una imagen de la Mujer Maravilla

Media and Information Literacy is a tool to empower and promote citizen participation to promote responsible, conscious and active consumption and production of content.

The MIL Network Mexico

The MIL Network Mexico is a plural and multisectoral cooperation group that was created in August 2021, in order to favour the actions of promotion and dissemination of MIL competencies, as well as to recognize their importance in the country. The specific objectives of the Network are:

  • Make visible the urgency of an agenda on Media and Information Literacy in Mexico with the purpose of combating disinformation and hate speech that affect society and the democratic quality of our country.
  • Foster a plural space for dialogue and collaborative actions to disseminate MIL in Mexico.
  • Promote research, analysis and dissemination of good practices around MIL competencies.
  • Boost MIL skills development and their dissemination in society, mainly in the following groups:
    • Relevant information multipliers, in which journalists, content creators, teachers, library staff, and educators are considered.
    • Young persons from 14 to 24 years old.
    • Historically discriminated groups, due to their social status, sexual or gender identity, origin, religion, age, among others.
Dos mujeres consultando su celular

How to participate?

If you are interested in joining the Network for Media and Information Literacy in Mexico, send us your application.


The MIL Network Mexico has multisectoral members with the interest and capabilities to promote its objectives and scope.

Established in 2015, it is a space for research, training and dissemination on Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue. Through the University of Guadalajara, the UNESCO MILID Chair was the first node in Latin America of the UNESCO MILID Network. Contact:

Deutsche Welle's center aims for international media development, journalism training and knowledge transfer. Through its projects, it strengthens the human right to freedom of opinion and free access to information. DW Akademie is the international organization that implements Media and Information Literacy in practice. Contact:

It is the federal public means of radio communication with the largest number of stations nationwide and one of the most important in the country. It has 19 multi-profile stations throughout the country: 17 broadcast, one HD and one virtual with presence in both borders, as well as 40 million 414 thousand 740 people of potential audience. It is possible to listen to all its stations through an application for the Android operating system and soon on iOS. Contact:

Mexican institution of national character in charge of organizing elections based on high standards to strengthen democracy and guarantee the exercise of the political-electoral rights of citizens. Part of its mandate is to promote civic education, which focuses on combating disinformation and promoting critical thinking. Contact:

It is a non-profit organization dedicated to the research, training, accompaniment and promotion of digital technology and information for social purposes. Since its creation, it has been dedicated to strengthening activists, journalists and civil society organizations from infoactivism, the use and openness of data and digital security. Contact:

Public institution of higher education with the largest academic offer in the north of the country and the third largest university in Mexico. The Faculty of Communication Sciences promotes the National Research and Advocacy Project "MIL as a tool to prevent and eradicate youth violence", conformed by a network of educational communities, secondary education institutions, government institutions, civil and academic organizations of the Autonomous University of Coahuila, the School of Education Sciences and the UANL. Contact:

As an responsible for the integral formation of the student, through the Library System and specifically the Library and Information Services Unit (USBI), Veracruz Region, it has undertaken the Information Media Literacy Program aimed at teachers and library staff, starting with a pilot intervention project for the integration of the UNESCO Curriculum on Media and Information Literacy (MIL). Contact:

It seeks to generate media and information literate societies through strategies aimed at teachers, the facilitation of international cooperation, the development of guidelines for the preparation of national MIL Policies and Strategies. It attempts to develop a combined set of competencies (knowledge, skills, and attitudes) necessary for today's life and work. Contact:

UNESCO, DW Akademie, Universidad Veracruzana, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Instituto Nacional Electoral, Instituto Mexicano de la Radio, SocialTic, Cátedra UNESCO AMIDI UDG

Members of the MIL Network Mexico

MIL Resources

UNESCO publications
Ciudadanía alfabetizada en medios e información: pensar críticamente, hacer clic sabiamente
Grizzle, Alton
Wilson, Carolyn
Tuazon, Ramon
Cheung, Chi Kim
Lau, Jesus
Fischer, Rachel
Gordon, Dorothy
Akyempong, Kwame
Singh, Jagtar
Carr, Paul R.
Stewart, Kristine
Tayie, Samy
Suraj, Olunifesi
Jaakkola, Maarit
Thésée, Gina
Gulston, Curmira
Andzongo Menyeng, Blaise Pascal
Zibi Fama, Paul Alain
Alfabetización mediática e informacional: curriculum para profesores
Wilson, Carolyn
Grizzle, Alton
Tuazon, Ramon
Akyempong, Kwame
Cheung, Chi Kim


SocialTIC Resources